Ten- Eccedentesiast

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I sat on a crate listening to Jaha's speech that had been playing over the monitor. Then, after everything with the grounder, which I had learned was named Lincoln, I decided to make a weapon. So here I was sharpening a branch as I bent it to wrap the wire around the top and bottom. I carved my initials into the side as I was finally finished making my bow. And, of course, arrows to go with it. 

"My friends. This is a historic unity day. Every year we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the ark. But this is the last time we do so aboard her." Jaha smiled, "Next year...on the ground." I could hear loud applause as I saw a few delinquents scoff and walk away. 

"Right." Miller shouted, "After we did all the hard work. someone shut him up." 

"You shut up, Miller." I smiled as Raven snapped back. "No one's forcing you to watch." 

I could see Clarke talking to Finn before walking away. I knew I needed to talk to her. Just maybe not today. Not while everyone was happy. I couldn't ruin that. Suddenly Jasper shouted as he walked out from his tent holding a large tin barrel. 

"Whoo!! Yeah!! Monty strikes again!!" He grinned, "Call this batch unity juice!! Who's thirsty?!!" 

I laughed, getting up so he could fill my cup. I had only had alcohol once, and that was when I swiped it off a guard who wasn't paying attention. Sometimes I think they let whoever become a guard as long as they were qualified to be stupid and arrogant. 

Jasper filled my cup as I took a small sip, slightly untrustworthy of the drink. It burned going down until a warmth spread in my body as I took another gulp. I walked from the crowd seeing Octavia running towards the fence. "Hey! Tavia!" She turned back around with a guilty face. "Tav's, I'm not stopping you. Get some grounder dick. I don't care." She laughed at my bluntness. "But be careful, okay." She hugged me before pulling back, "I'll keep Bellamy occupied." 

"Your the best, red." I nodded, pushing her through the fence as I looked back to see the soon-to-be drunk teenagers whooping and laughing. 

***The Ark***

Diana walked up to Abby as the crowd applauded Jaha's speech. "Hello, Abby."

"Diana." She greeted back. 

"We have seen the true soul of our people..." Jaha trailed off. 

"I hope there are no hard feelings about me taking the council seat," Diana whispered to Abby. She shook her head, looking back to the children who held all twelve flags in their hands, "No hard feelings about anything at all today,"

"That's right. You'll be able to see your daughters soon." Abby's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked to the blonde woman beside her, "Daughters?"

"I know everything, Abby. This means I not only know about the fact you have a second daughter. I know you haven't told Clarke her sister is on the ground with her." And like that, Diana walked away, leaving Abby confused and worried. 

"Without further ado, I present the story of us." Jaha raised his hands as the children started to create a circle for their performance. "Long ago when the Earth was on fire. Twelve stations floated through space all alone." The little girl paused as many people smiled, hearing about their history. "One day, Mir floated by Shenzen, and they realized...life would be better together. 

The other stations saw this, and they wanted to be together too. When all the stations were joined, they called themselves..."

Then suddenly, an explosion shook the room, killing everyone nearby, throwing others into all sides of the station. 

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