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"You can be such an idiot sometimes" I groaned at Carl and he shrugs "I'm serious! If girls on their periods bleed for like a week straight, then how do they not die of blood loss?" He asked this question again, I knew it was a dumb question, but I forgot the science behind the answer. "I don't know, it's something about what's in the blood, it's different than if you were shot or something" I attempted to explain, but he still didn't get it.

He was still stuck on this question, all because when he was grabbing the towels before we went swimming, he saw a tampon box in the bathroom. He just won't let it go, it's pretty funny to be honest.

We were keeping watch for a few hours, and apparently these conversations are what get us through the shift. "So is it like-" Carl paused, looking at the horizon. "Get your gun ready" he said, motioning to a few vehicles that were approaching. "Who are those guys?" I asked and he started to aim at the windshield of the front truck "the governor's men".

He had told me about the governor, everything that he'd done to ruin their lives, I can't really believe that his group would still be alive. "How do you know?" I asked and he prepared to pull the trigger "I can see them through the scope, he's not with them though". "Shoot at the windows right after I fire" he instructed and the sound of a gunshot rang in my ears.

I shot at the windows as Carl had ordered, then decided to shoot the tires instead, then it's not a moving target. The group was dead within minutes, and I felt a bit of remorse in the back of my mind, but I knew these were bad people, it had to be done.

Carl looked at the trucks that were stopped in their tracks, the people we had killed, then he put the gun down "I'll um, I'll tell my dad what happened" his voice was quieter now as he started to climb down the guard tower. I looked away from the site of what had just happened, turning my attention back to the horizon in front of me.

"You alright kid?" I jumped at the voice that had come up behind me, it was Daryl. "Yeah, I'm fine, just processing what happened is all" I muttered and he nodded, standing next to me, leaning against the guard rails of the tower.

"I know it seems bad, it is. But these people, if we don't get them first, they'll get us, that's the fact" he explains and I nod "I know, it's just crazy to think that this is the world now, just kill or be killed. I know there's not gonna be some miracle cure, anyone who could make one is surely dead".

I'm not a pessimistic person, but my mood can definitely stray far from optimism. "I won't argue with you there" Daryl mumbled beside me. "So" he said, starting to change the subject "word on the street is your last name's Dixon" he spoke, weird conversation starter, but whatever. "Yeah, my dad's last name, figured since my mom's dead anyway I might as well take his name" I explained briefly and he nodded, I could see a bit of sadness in his eyes, but he quickly shook it away.

"Sorry, probably seems like a weird thing to say, just that's my last name too, just finding common ground" he said. I could tell he wasn't exactly a social person, but he tried, and I guess that's what counts. "Yeah, seems like we've got a few things in common" I carried on the conversation and he raised his eyebrows "like what?".

I laughed a bit then began to talk "well, we both use a crossbow for one, that's pretty obvious. I might be wrong here, but we both seem like pretty independent people. Also, we can both ride a motorcycle" I named off a few and he laughed "seems like we do have a little in common then". Daryl and I didn't have much of a bond, but he always seemed to show up when something was wrong, willing to try and get my mind off of it.

"Hey Alli, our guard shift is over" Carl said, reappearing beside me again "okay" I smiled and started to follow him down the guard tower again, but I stopped for a moment before climbing down. "Thanks, Daryl" I said, earning a slight grin from him "welcome kid".

Alli and I were walking into the cell block now "So what do you wanna-" "Can you guys watch Judy for a while, I told Carol I'd help out with dinner" Beth cut me off, but I nodded "yeah, sure" then she immediately handed Judith to me, rushing to the cafeteria. Alli laughed, looking at Judith in my arms "Beth seems pretty busy lately" "no kidding".

I bounced Judith in my arms and Alli smiled "you're good with her" she said and I shrugged "I mean I end up watching her a lot, it seems like Beth and I and her main caretakers" I laugh and she nods.

"Yeah, everyone's pretty busy around here" she says, walking beside me as we went into my cell. I didn't realize how true this was until she said it, she's right, people have been so busy lately. There was a moment of silence then she perked up "Hey, do you wanna go to target practice later?" She asks and I laugh "they don't let us practice with guns anymore, to save bullets" I laugh and she rolls her eyes jokingly "then I'll teach you how to use a crossbow".

I shake my head and she laughs "you're doing it, I'm forcing you" she says and I shrug "alright fine, we can go as soon as somebody takes Judith" I agree and as if on cue, my dad walks into my cell "oh hey, I can take Judith if you guys want, we just got back from a run" he offers and Alli smirks at me "yeah, thanks dad" I say and hand Judith to him, following Alli as she ran into the courtyard.

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