Chapter 11

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I walked out of the school at the end of the day and headed to my car. When I got there, Edward was there. I gulped while walking towards him.

"Hey babe, where were you all day?" He embraced me.

"What do you mean? I was at school all day." I nervously answered.

"Yeah. I mean at lunch though. We were supposed to meet with Ashton. Remember? All three of us were going to go out for lunch."

Shoot. I totally forgot about that thing when he texted me about it last night.

"Oh. Sorry. I had to uh, write a test I missed that day when I was uh, sick." I quickly made up. Great, I already am starting to lie.

"Oh. For what subject?" He asked.

"Uh, it doesn't matter," I shrugged it off. "So, what are you doing here? At my car?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Remember? I was going to come pick you up quickly to head off to the gym."

"For what?" I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Seriously?" He asked. I was clueless. What was going on?

"What?" I asked, confused.

"It's my big game today. It's in like 10 minutes." I just realized he was wearing his football uniform.

"Oh! Oh my gosh Edward I'm so sorry! I forgot!" I apologized.

"I've been to every one of your basketball games, can't you at least see this one? I know you've been to a lot of mine, but this one means a lot. This is the championship tournament." He looked at me, hurt.

I chewed on my lip nervously. I couldn't go to the game because I was supposed to meet Luke at Starbucks.

I looked down the road and saw that the Starbucks that Luke asked me to meet him at was totally just walking distance. I had an idea.

"Yeah. Okay I'm coming. Sorry I forgot, I just had a lot of stuff going on. You know, with missing my classes that day and everything."

He immediately cheered up and looked at me, smiling.

"I understand, babe. Let's go." He draped his arm around me and we walked together to the field. I walked over to the bleachers and sat down.

The sun was burning my skin and it was quite uncomfortable where I was sitting. The game begun and I stood up to quickly cheer on the team.

Edward smiled from the field and I smiled back. This felt so wrong.

I quickly texted Luke to tell him that I'd be a bit late and I quickly received a text back saying it was alright.

The first quarter was finished and still no one had scored. Edward came running over to me with his water bottle.

"Can you go fill this up? I still have an extra one but I need this one filled for the third quarter." He spoke in between breathing.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled, taking the bottle.

"Thanks Collins." He jogged back to the bench before returning to the game.

I quickly left and went to the Starbucks just down the road. It was a lot closer to the field so it only took about 7 minutes to get there. Then again, I kinda ran so it sped up the pace.

I found Luke right away and he was sitting at a nearby table.

"Hey, glad you could finally make it." I sat down with him.

Before You Came BackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang