renjun - daydream

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word count : 447


"thank you," you spoke and grabbed your cup of coffee from the employee. you exited the coffee shop and sat down at one of the tables outside of the store.

an hour had passed since you had your last class for the day, and you had decided to spend some time at the coffee shop near your apartment building. you drank some of your coffee and a sigh left your lips.

i wonder what he's doing today. he probably has a lot of classes today, so i probably won't get to see him today.

you decided to do some work for one of your classes and took your laptop and notebook out of your bag. you loaded up a powerpoint with one of your lectures on it and started writing in your notebook.

maybe i'll text him once i leave. yea, i should do that.

as you thought about your boyfriend, you unknowingly threw hearts in your notebook as you deviated from doing any work for school.

you just stared at a building that was across the street while sitting at the table, taking a few sips of coffee every once in awhile.


that sounds like him.


maybe i should call him and see if he's busy right now. it'd be nice to hear his voice.

all of a sudden, you felt someone flick your forehead, "ow!" you broke your train of thought and put your free hand on your forehead to ease the pain. after a second, you removed your hand and looked up to see your boyfriend standing in front of you. "renjun? what are you doing here?" you immediately questioned him.

"i just got out of class," he answered. "don't you have class at two? you're gonna miss it if you keep daydreaming," he asked, checking his phone for the time to make sure you weren't going to be late.

you shook your head, "it got cancelled. our professor had a family emergency," you mentioned.

"did you eat lunch yet?" he asked before leaning in to kiss your forehead, coincidentally on the spot where he had flicked your forehead moments earlier. 

"no, i didn't have time. my club meeting ran late," you shortly explained.

"come on," he held his hand out to you, "let's go eat before my next class starts. you can probably come with me to class too, no one's gonna know you're in there."

you smiled and grabbed his hand to stand up. you packed up your backpack and threw away the empty coffee cup before walking with him. "can we get ice cream afterwards?" you asked as you held his hand.

he smiled, "okay, just for you."

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