53: The Astrologer 07

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Zong Yan thought about it for a long time. After receiving some dubious advice from Wang KeMing, he decided to ask his good brother He Yuan to help with his parent-teacher meeting problem.

He really did regard He Yuan as a good friend.

But this time his good friend said he couldn't help.

"Little Monarch, it's not that I don't want to help out, but I just got an urgent mission. I'm in the Middle East right now."

Under the scorching desert sun, He Yuan had a satellite phone in his hand while adjusting his alchemical gun with the other.

They hadn't been in touch for a while. Zong Yan had no idea that the moment he turned around He Yuan would be sent to the Middle East. He didn't respond for a while.

"I don't think I can make it back in time for your parent-teacher meeting. If it really doesn't work, why don't I ask the captain if he has time?"

Zong Yan: "...?"

Zong Yan: "No, that's okay. I think I can probably get a friend to help. Thank you."

He Yuan's words frightened Zong Yan into inventing a new friend out of thin air. He couldn't imagine what kind of scene would unfold if Si Yan showed up at the parent-teacher meeting.

Now that his plan to ask He Yuan for help had failed, he was of ideas. After all, Zong Yan had a limited number of friends. If he needed to ask for a favor, there weren't many people his own age he could talk to, let alone people who were older.

Since there was really no alternative, all he could do was brace himself.

Despite Zong Yan's extreme reluctance, the parent-teacher conference arrived on the day as scheduled.

Zong Yan got up early, kicked away the Haunter of the Dark, put on his clothes, picked up his school bag, and prepared to go to school.

According to the usual procedure for the parent-teacher meeting, students and parents would arrive at school together. Then they'd go to the multimedia classroom to listen to the senior year teaching director's report on the midterm exams, the principal's speech, a performance analysis of previous years' results, and the public commendation of the top ten students in the grade. After the presentation in the multimedia classroom, all the senior students would return to their classes, and the individual parent-teacher conferences would begin. The process lasted all morning.

During the parent-teacher meetings for previous years, Zong Yan just slept in. After all, he didn't have to attend the meeting, nor did he have to be publicly executed with his report card in front of his parents like the rest of his classmates.

This year his class teacher made an ultimatum, so Zong Yan had to give her a little face.

He sighed, put a fried egg on a slice of bread, grabbed the ketchup and squeezed it around, wrapped up his food in a disposable plastic bag, and got ready to go out.

"Your parent-teacher meeting is today."

Unexpectedly, just after he left the house, Zong Yan ran into the gray-haired evil god in his usual location.

He was more wary of Yog-Sothoth than ever before.

Nyarlathotep might play tricks every day, but even if Zong Yan was a pet or a novelty item, he at least had some room to maneuver. As for Shub-Niggurath, Zong Yan hadn't really been able to read him at first, but now he knew the other party just wanted to enjoy the show. Along the way he'd also made clear he didn't want Azathoth to wake up. But when it came to the omniscient and omnipotent Yog-Sothoth, the master of time and space, Zong Yan couldn't understand his thoughts at all.

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