Midnight Sons #2

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You lunged at the group of Symbiotes, a couple of them you could probably push back into the portal-but before you even got the portal or any of them, you felt the Giant surge of energy blasted you away into a wall.

Venom and Otto then went in, Strange also preformed some magic to give them cover from Lilith.

Wanda began doing magic herself, while morbius and Moon knight raced behind venom and Otto. This is what Strange was so scared of, it didn't make sense they were-


You felt the immediate shock wave as five more portals formed making a circle in closing you and the other Sons.

You ran into the circle with the others as demons began coming through the portals demons of all sorts.

Venom: I didn't sign up for this!

Otto: shut your mouth.

That's when it happened you felt it suddenly you and the rest of the sons were transported...somewhere.

Moon Knight: uh, where are we?

Doctor Strange: it's a temporal dead zone a place where time and space exist, there just stopped.

Phage: so Lilith can't find us here?

Scarlet Witch: no, she can, she will. we've bought ourselves maybe. Ten, fifteen minutes.

Doctor Strange: it's better to do it here. No civilian casualties.

Morbius: because that's what we're worried about right now.

Doctor Strange walked over to Wanda and seemed to quietly tell her something as the others sat down and tried to rest a little before she returned.

Phage had went back into your body at this point and fixed all the cuts and abrasions you got from being thrown into a wall.

You noticed Strange and Wanda walk over to you before saying-

Doctor Strange: Y/N, can I have a moment?

You nodded as you walked to a more private part of the dead zone away from the others.

You signed "so what's up doc?"

Wanda: we may have a way to send you back to New York. Before Lilith arrives we can-

She stopped as she noticed you shaking your head.

Doctor Strange: Y/N, I cannot put you at risk especially when Peter doesn't even know where you are, and didn't "Ok" it.

You began signing "well it-"

The dead zone started immediately shaking as a portal ripped open having Lilith and the Symbiotes waltz through.

Lilith: you really thought you could hide hear?! I created this place!!

Phage covered your body as you heard it a loud trilling screeching call coming not from the other Symbiotes, but from Phage.


The vibrations made not just the Symbiotes convulse but everyone else too.

All the Symbiotes simultaneously slithered over to you jumping on you absorbing into you. But they weren't suddenly joining your side.

They ripped Phage out of you as you collapsed to the ground.

Doctor Strange: No!!

Strange flung out two yellow whips and held back the amalgamation of Symbiotes as best he could, but they were powerful they broke free of the restraints and began back towards Lilith. While strange fell back and hit the ground bad.

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