Chapter 36

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Because of the importance of the night scene, the crew deliberately advanced the dinner time to five o'clock. As soon as the dinner was over, everyone was stuck in a nervous and busy preparation process.

Ji Li sat in the lounge, staring at the content of the script with a serious expression.

On the first day of filming, the character replay came up, saying that he was not under pressure is a fake.

The plot of this drama is very heavy-

Xiang Suian actually lives in a remarried family. Back then, Xiang Mu married him to her current husband when he was only ten years old.

On the outside, the stepfather is a gentle gentleman, wearing a pair of square glasses, and always smiling when he meets people outside.

At first, Xiang's mother had taken a fancy to his easygoing and agreed to marry him.

As a result, the good times didn't last long. His stepfather lost his job after marriage, and his career was frustrated. He didn't want to make progress and became a complete alcoholic.

He not only loves to drink, but also drank fiercely. He took several painstaking advices to his mother as a breeze. After a drink, he lost control and beat Xiang Mu and Xiang Suian.

And this is the beginning of the doom of the mother and son.

In the past eight years, the stepfather has intensified and the tendency of domestic violence has become more and more serious. From the beginning of resistance and struggle to the mother, to the halfway escape and begging for mercy, to the final paralysis and despair.

Everyone in the neighborhood knows about this, but as outsiders, they can persuade them once or twice, but they can’t persuade them a hundred times a thousand times.

On the evening of the third year of high school, Xiang Sui'an just returned home and saw a familiar and numb scene-his stepfather tied Xiang's mother with a string like a livestock, and he slammed her fiercely with a belt in his hand.

In this scene, it is natural to photograph the reaction of Xiang's mother and son, and the most difficult point is that Ji Li has to interpret the same character on two timelines.

The first timeline is Xiang Suian, who has not experienced reincarnation.

The second timeline is Xiang Suian, who has experienced countless same reincarnations.

It is not only necessary to conform to the character's character, but also to deduce a completely different mood. The difficulty can be imagined.

There was a knock on the door.

Bao Zi walked in from outside and said cautiously, "Brother Ji, Director Wang called you to go over and try it out."

He knew that Ji Li stayed alone in the lounge to brew his emotions, and he was afraid that it would affect his immersive state during silent play.

Ji Li put down the script full of notes and walked out calmly.

The play is already in my mind, there is no need to hold the script in one fell swoop.

In the houses along the river, the crew has set up the ‘domestic violence’ scene properly.

The actor who played Xiangmu was Song Xingchen, the queen of the Hundred Images Awards. This time she was invited by Qin Li to come here for a special role.

Qin Li's idea is very clear.

Now that you have spotted this project, you have to do it as an important movie. If you invite more old dramas as guest appearances, the post-propaganda campaign will be an extra gimmick.

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