something desperate 2

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The chilly wind blew on Umi's face, just right after she closed her new book. She developed a habit of reading reviews and spoilers that she was not surprised by the open ending.

She thought it was a sad one. Well, it was tragic, but beautiful nonetheless. At least she knew what she was reading the moment she bought the book.

No more surprises.

The sky, who must be shaded with the orange afternoon by now, was cloaked with clouds.

She had no intention to leave the rooftop despite the inevitable rain. They were all trying to be nice, to peel her layers now that all evidence was in her favor. Someone even made a support page, updating the followers about her case against Jux, including the false ones. Even the campus custodian who caught her on the rooftop, lent her the space with his blessings, "Because you needed to be alone. It's crazy out there."

A few months have passed, but there was no sign of supporters dwindling. Everyone wanted a piece of forgiveness. She was tired of all of them. Also, the university is small for Pauline, James, and her. She was charging for their lies, and they're paying for it. All is fair. No need to cross paths outside the court.

And Ethan.

"What I felt was real."

It was the same for her. And in the future, she always will. But that's not enough.

"I knew I'd find you here."

Umi flinched at the voice. Out on bail while the trial was still ongoing, Jux stopped attending university and could only be seen at hearings.

"That's what I like about you." He lit a cigarette, the other hand in his pocket, as he approached with his calculated steps. "Stuck in the same place, thinking about the same things, people. As always, you're very predictable. But once you cling onto something, you never let go, even if you pretend you did."

Umi rose to her seat and stood her ground, meeting his gaze with the same courage in court. "If I was predictable, you wouldn't have been charged. You'd think I'd just cry."

He stopped a few feet away and puffed a cloud of smoke. "Remember when you were so sad? To cheer you up, I brought you near the beach. I told you to shout whatever you want. To let it all out."

She remembered, along with the terrible things he did.

"But you didn't say anything. You just cried on my shoulder."

He then threw the unfinished cigarette and killed the burn with his shoes.

"I had no idea what happened to you in high school, you never told me." He scratched his head despite his hood. "But I accepted you for who you are. We were strangers in high school, but it wasn't the same in college. I liked you and I thought you'd be the same. You were quiet, awkward and clumsy—tripping on hallways, bumping on things. It was cute."

Jux smiled and she was taken back to the days when they'd just fight over the last pizza slice and he'd let her have it. "But you never called my name in your sleep, but Ethan's. Hell, with the things going, it might be the same Ethan I was friends with back in high school. Small world, huh?"

He leaned forward and with gritted teeth, he growled. "It's all your fault we're like this. Yours!"

Jux stepped back and raised his hand in mock surrender and a forced laugh. "Sorry.."

She knew.

There came a point that she felt the intention and malice in his action. His arms on her shoulder, his hands wrapped around hers and the occasional questions of who she's with and who was the guy she just talked to. Umi avoided him for a week before the acquaintance party, until it got to the point of taking a break from the friendship because she was uncomfortable. Jux apologized and denied everything, and for the last time, invited her to attend the party together. He acted great that night like they were back to being friends.

He was so good that she believed him, and she invited him home and cried about her father's sudden appearance.

And here they are.

Pity and joy mingled as she observed him, glancing by the door as if afraid the devil might come for him. "Ah, Jux, uneasy?"

His mouth twitched and he conquered another step. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? The attention."

Deserved, Umi thought about his paranoia.

"I lost everything—my friends, family and my integrity. I even had to sneak just to meet you. You got what you wanted. Withdraw the case."

"Now you know what it's like."

His prowling steps halted and removed his hood. "Look at me! You did this!"

The anger subsided on his face and he barely had the strength to continue. "I just loved you, what's wrong with that Mayumi?"

"You loved wrong!"

Like a madman with changeable feelings, his sunken eyes were filled with hatred. His cheeks were also hollow and his hair was dishevelled. It was the worst she'd seen him even in court. "That's the only way I know! Why don't you understand?!" His hoarse voice echoed, stirring a few doves by the ledge to fly away.

Above them, the sky was darker and the wind blew colder. Opposed to the somber weather, Jux lost control of his emotions, far from the composed face on trials. "Withdraw the case!"

"Did you listen when I begged you to stop? When I cried in my bathroom as you banged the door? When you refused to delete the pictures?"

He answered in silence.

"You didn't. You laughed, Jux. You did."

His palms washed his face, combing his hair as he paced back and forth. Then he stopped, his shoulders shook as he chuckled, and finally, the crazed laughter reigned over the faint pitter-patter of the drizzle.

"I didn't expect that. Sorry I called you predictable." He removed his palms on his face and faced Umi. "Remember when I teased you that being clumsy would kill you one day? Well, I was wrong." He removed his hands and revealed a sneer. "I would."

More than the cold slowly biting into her bones, fear gripped her. He pulled out a gun from his back pocket.

Another hand grabbed it before it could be aimed at her.

"Run Umi—!" Ethan screamed as he fought for the gun's possession, slipping from their grip.

Ethan kicked Jux, the latter retaliated with a blow on his head. They crammed back to the weapon on the concrete.

Strength to strength.

Anger in anger.

One is desperate to end it all.

The second is desperate to stop the first.

She was stuck in fear, only awakened by another voice. "Umi!" James dragged her towards the door. "Run!"

"What are you doing? Help Ethan!"

In a flash, Ethan collapsed from the blow and Jux aimed the gun at Umi.

"It's all your fault," he cried.

A shot was fired, and the storm commenced.

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