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"I, have something to discuss with you."

What do you mean Sieun-ah? Aish!!!! I need some coffee and time to think.

I got up and got ready. I quickly used the bathroom and started picking out an outfit. After what felt like forever, I finally chose something semi-casual.

 After what felt like forever, I finally chose something semi-casual

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(the outfit you chose)

Lastly, I sprayed my favorite cologne and checked myself out before grabbing my mask, wallet, phone and keys.

"Where are you going looking so nice?" Isa asked me.

"Just getting some fresh air. I'll be back later. Bye, unnie." I then left our shared room and walked out the front door. One thing I love about our neighborhood is definitely having everything near us.

I slowly made my way down the road. There is a coffee shop not too far from our apartment complex. As I was taking each step, I really took the time to get some fresh air. It can be so stuffy sometimes always staying home. Being outside makes me feel free and alive. Once I got there, I went in and placed my order and sat myself down waiting for them to bring me my coffee.

"And here you go. Your french vanilla iced coffee with light ice and 2 chocolate croissants. Have a good day, enjoy."

"Thank you." As the girl left, I started drinking my coffee and taking bites out of my croissants. This shop is usually really slow and quiet so I can freely take off my mask without feeling like someone is going to notice me.

"Y/N?" I turned to see who had called me.

"Seeun unnie? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I was craving some cake so I came down here. Why didn't you tell me you were coming here? We could've came together." She replied and sat down across from me.

"Oh sorry. I just wanted to be alone for a bit and have some time to think about some things."

"Oh, do you want me to sit somewhere else? Am I intruding your personal time right now?"

"No no! It's okay, unnie. You can sit with me. "

"Are you sure? Cause I can move if you want me to."

"No, it's fine. Go order your food."

"Alright. Be right back." Seeun unnie got up and went to go order her food. After awhile she came back with her food and a shake. Seeun unnie then started talking about our song and how it feels like filming the music shows and stuff but I couldn't really focus because something else was on my mind.

(Flash Back)

"I, have something to discuss with you."

"W..what is it?" I asked nervously.

"Y/N..I..I like you. I like you so much that it hurts seeing you with the other members. I want your love and affection all to myself. I don't want to share you with anyone. But is that too selfish? Is it too selfish that I only want you to talk to me? That I only want you to hug me? That I only want you to hold my hand? I feel like I'm going crazy.." Sieun confessed.

"Unnie...I...I don't feel the same way. I'm sorry. I only see you as an older sister. Nothing more."

"It's okay. I already knew the answer. Let's call it a night okay? Also, let's forget that this ever happened." I saw the broken hearted eyes she had as she slowly left and wiped some tears that were falling off her small face. I wanted to wipe them for her. I wanted to hug her and tell her to forgive me but my body stopped. I couldn't move. Or maybe I didn't want to move. I didn't want to lead her on even more. I didn't want to keep hurting Sieun Unnie. I'm confused. Confused about my feelings.

(End of FlashBack)

"Y/N, are you listening?" Seeun asked me.

-To be continued-

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