24 : Love

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"Are you okay love?"

She still had her eyes closed but she nodded. She leaned against my chest and just sat there for a little while.

I stood her up and we walked out. I quickly picked out some more jewelry. 3 shiny necklaces, 5 more pairs of earrings, a few cute bracelets that costed less and 2 rings.

It rounded up to about 7 thousand dollars. I told them to send me a bill. I of course didn't have that much on me at the time. They usually won't do that but they didn't question me.

We finally walked out to the car, my love standing close to me. I was happy, and I hoped she was too.


I walked to her side of the car and opened the door. She smiled at me before getting in. This is the first day in awhile that I've spent away from work. I told my men not to bother me unless it was of great importance. I know that my guys have it handled.

It was almost five already. We had spent a lot more time here than we thought we did. But I still spent all day with my love, and I had fun watching her. The way she moves, the faces she makes, how she looks at people, how I can literally almost see her thoughts on her face.

I smiled to myself, starting the car. She was still wearing my jacket, I'm not sure why it was so cold outside. I mean, I'm a male, we don't get cold as easily as the females. Even then, it takes a lot more to make us cold than it would a human. 

I turned the heat up some, rubbing my hands together. She leaned her head against the window, pulling my jacket closer to her.

I heard her inhale lightly and a hint of a smirk graced my face. There's just something about your mate, their scent, their touch, it can make you crazy. For a male or female. It's also very calming. It can send you into a frenzy, I think you know what I mean by that, it can calm you, it can make you feel love. That wacky butterfly feeling that makes your heart beat faster and your stomach do backflips? Yea, that feeling.

Your mate, they are you soulmate, literally, and nothing can change that. Well, rejection of course, but it's cruel. 

She must've felt me staring, she turned her head towards me and looked at me with eyes I couldn't quite explain. They were beautiful though. They were droopy, she was still sleepy. Her cheeks were rosy. Her hair loosely hanging around her face. 

I leaned my head back against the seat too, and stared at her, this time looking right into her eyes. I slowly brought my hand up, slow enough for her to see it clearly. I rested it against her cheek and she leaned into it. I slowly brought my forehead in, I gently pulled her head in too. She let me without hesitation. We are getting somewhere. She trusts me. She knows she does. Her instincts tell her to place her whole life in my hands without hesitation. She is wary, but still complying.

I rest my forehead against her, breathing in her scent as I close my eyes. When I open them she is looking at me, seeming to be deep in thought.

I close my eyes and leaned into her forehead more.

"You have no idea how much I love you. Words can not even explain.....You are my life. My joy. You're my everything. I don't care if we just met. I would die for you in a heartbeat no matter what. You're mine and I am yours. I know you don't trust me all the way, and that's okay. Because I know one day that you will trust and love me as much as I do you."

I opened my eyes to see her staring at me with tears in her eyes. I moved my forehead and kissed hers.

"I'm sorry"

"C'mere love" my voice was a little raspy. 

She looked at me confused, and I rested my hands on her waist.

"May I?"

She didn't answer for about 30 seconds but then she slowly shook her head yes. I pulled her over into my lap and a small squeak escaped her. I started laughing, I couldn't help it. I put my head back and let out a real laugh for once. My hands squeezed her waist lightly on accident.

When I recovered and looked back down she was looking at me with....almost what seemed like loving eyes, with a small smile on her face. 

I smiled too and leaned in to kiss her forehead again. Waiting a few seconds before backing away.

"Get comfortable"

She just looked at me and I smirked.

I pulled her legs forward some so she comfortably rested up against me. She still just looked at me and I looked out the windshield before looking back at her, trying to hide a smile.



"I kind of can't see to drive"

She frowned and began to get back in her seat. I grabbed her waist and stopped her, bringing my lips up to her ear. I could hear her heartbeat increase and the hair stood up on her arms. I attempted to control myself and my hands lightly massaged where they rested on her body.

"Just lay your head down"

She instantly did and I almost laughed again, still hearing her heartbeat beating rapidly. I kissed her earlobe before finally pulling out of the parking lot. 

One of my arms stayed wrapped around the back of her waist, gripping it not tightly but securely, the other hand occupied the steering wheel.

She snuggled closer to me and my hand wrapped a little tighter around her waist, ensuring her that I was still here. I gently tested my cheek against her head. 

On the way home we went.

It didn't take to terribly long to get home. I mind linked a couple maids and a couple guys to come get all of the stuff, ordering them to just leave everything in my living room.

Somewhere or another, my love fell asleep. I carefully picked her up, her still straddling me. I linked my arms under her butt and got out. Nobody said anything, seeing she was asleep.

A few minutes later I finally made it to the bedroom. I laid down with her, her laying on top of me just like before.

For awhile I laid there, watching her, gently playing with her hair, just holding her.

Then I finally drifted off to sleep myself.

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