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-One month-

I became friends with Taylor and Maxy. I got use to the boys and remember everyone's names. I still have to get use to them walking around the house with nothing but boxer on the weekends and sometime they were boxers and socks but that's all. Until noon then they get dressed when they leave the house. Sawyer at least wears clothes and sometimes Caleb when he's not lazy. When the twins and Koby wear boxes around. I decided not to go to the café, I felt the café dude was too weird and kind of creepy. Lucas hasn't responded to any of my messages.

It Saturday and I'm in my room listening to music and staring at the ceiling. Taylor texts me a few time, before heading out with Nathan. Maxy was grounded so she was at home scrubbing the bathroom. She has her phone taken away but she took her brothers ' a few time to make sure she wasn't missing anything so she texts everyone asking what they were up to. I decide to call Lucas before seeing if he was ok. It rings a few time before going to voicemail. I hang up not leaving a message. I call once more and he doesn't answer. I get up and change , getting ready to leave. I was bored out of my mind, so it's better to go see Lucas, then sit around this house.

I head downstairs. "Hey," Jai says as I pass the living room. "Hey," I say. "Where you going?" he asks. "Out," I say. "Can I join you?" he asks. "I'd rather be alone," I say. "Please....I'm so bored," he complains, "It's at least three hours away," I say. "You were going to walk?" he questions. "There's a thing called bus," I smirk. "Let me at least drop you off," he says. "Fine," I mumble strolling off as he rushes upstairs to get his car keys.

I wait outside. I try to decide if I should go alone or not. Jai walks outside. We get on his car and he turns up the music as he pulls out the driveway. "Where are you going?" he asks. "To visit a friend," I decide to Sydney while I'm there."That's cool," he says. "I guess," I sigh."You are weird," he says. "Shut up," I smirk. "So what's up with you and Hannah?" I ask . "We broke up...I'm with Leila now," he simply says. I roll my eyes. "You and your brothers got issues," I say. "You just mad," he laughs. "Of what?" I question rising my brows. "Of our love life," he says with a serous face. ""You guys don't have a love life," I state. "Yeah we do," he whines. "You have a different girl every week," I tell him. "Jealous," he mumbles. "Player much?" I say out loud. He glances at me and smirks. We drive with loud music pumping and me directing him.

He parks at Sydney's house. "Can you wait here," I tell, getting off the car. As I was about to walk towards the door, I see Lucas old pickup truck. I walk over to the trunk. As I was about to knock on the window I see Lucas and Sydney making out. His hand under her tank-top. I freeze unsure what to do. They both look at me shocked. Sydney rolls down her window. "Paris," she says. I stare at her shocked but mostly disappointed. I couldn't form any words. My face starts burning up, I clear my throat. "So...this is why you wouldn't answer or reply to any of my calls or texts," I say as tears fight their way out. "You could of broke u with...like a normal person," I say. "It's not m fault," Lucas says. "what do you mean it's not your fault?" I ask confused. "We'll explain," Sydney says getting of the truck. Lucas gets off as well and stands next to her. "I don't want to hear it...you were my best friend since we were kids," I say. "It's not like that," Sydney says. "It's like this...you got arrested and I wasn't going to be with a criminal," Lucas says. That really hurt me. "I'm not a criminal," I state. "You two should know that," I say. "Well we really don't know you," Lucas says. "You know what...you two are perfect for each other. Both lairs and cheats...and Lucas if it wasn't clear me and you are over and Sydney we are no longer friends," I say walking away as tears roll down my cheek. I wipe them away. I stop before getting on Jai's car. I felt used and betrayed. I wipe my tears away again. "Paris," Jai says getting off the car. I turn away from him. "Paris, are you okay?" he asks concerned. "I'm fine," I sigh wiping away tears. "What happened?" he questions. "Nothing...let's just go," I say. "Alright," he says wrapping his arm around me and leading my to the car. I get on and he starts driving. I stare out the window until we get home.

When we walk in Mrs.Drake's was setting up dinner. "Where have you two been all day?" she asks. "I was showing Paris the other side of town," Jai lies. "That's great...what did you think?" she asks. "It's great," I say my voice creaking. "Are you okay?" she looks up to me. "She's just tired," Jai speaks before I could. "You can go to sleep after dinner," she says. I nod and walk away. "Hey, Paris," Jai calls after me. "Jai, thanks for covering for me...but I just don't want to talk right now...and can you tell your mom I'm not hungry," I say. "She'll still call you," he says. "I know...tell her I wen to bed," I say walking away. "

"Paris, your home," Blake says. "Blake just leave me alone," I say. "What did I do?" he asks. "Just leave me alone...please," I says softly. He stares at me with sad eyes. "What's wrong?" he asks concerned. "Nothing...I just want to be alone," I say. "Well, can you help me with my project?" he asks not understand my annoyance. "Ask someone else," I say. "You and my mom are the only one's that understand Chemistry," he whines. "Ask your mom," I say. "She'll kill me if I tell her it' do tomorrow and I'm now starting it," he complains. "That's your problem," I say not in the mood. "Pease, Paris I need to get my grades up or they'll kick me off the basketball team," he says trying to my make puppy eyes."You know what fine," I put in, annoyed. A smile forms on his face.

I follow him to his room. "What do you need help with?" I question with a heavy sigh. "The periodic table, we have to draw examples of what the elements will make if mixed," he tells me. "You can google that," I tell him ready to leave. "No we can't," he says. "Why not?" I question rising my eyebrows. "Cause we have to choose from this packet," he tells me pulling out a hand out with at least ten pages. My jaw falls open. "Blake why do you have to be stupid," I question my eyes growing wider. I give him five pages to look through while I look at the other five. I don't know how long it took but when I open my eyes it is morning. I was laying on Blake's floor while he slept on the other side of the room. I pull out my phone and check the time. "Blake get up we're late!" I yell trying to wake him up. "We have twenty minutes before the bell rings," I tell him. "We are going to be late anyways," he groans trying to go back to sleep. "Don't you have Chemistry first hour," I remind him walking out. "Oh...shit," I hear him say. I hurry up and get ready.

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