- Eight

231 5 97

Adisyn Kay Wise

I'm starting off with her letters to Reece for which he never received :)

Or maybe he did? I don't know, ask Reed lol <33


May 9th (Last Year)

Happy birthday! Well late birthday depending when you receive this or if you will even ever receive this? I'm not sure if you are getting my letters because you haven't responded and I do know we made a promise and you had kept that promise and I also know I haven't given you a letter in a couple of months. I'm sorry for that, work has been consuming. I'm taking care of myself though? Not in therapy but I've been assigning my agenda times for me to work on myself, journaling has helped a lot. I'm still working on making time for myself but it seems that journaling is the time for myself?

I've taken journaling as me talking to you, I imagine my journal being you the only problem is that it doesn't give me the same comfort you did. I'm happy I met you even if it was just for 89 days, best months and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I enjoyed every minute I spent with you and no person will ever compare to you, my Reece.

Iv is "talking" to this girl - Ali. She's nice, she's a brunette and has really curly hair. Her eyes actually remind me of yours? I told her she had pretty eyes and she said thank you, they were mesmerizing to look at. We had dinner together and I tried to make a cake but I accidentally made the fire alarm go off... Yeah. On the good side, the cake didn't burn down the house!

Ev is doing alright. She has a job interview tomorrow morning and after that we're going out for lunch, and then I have to run down to the agency for some paperwork and I get the day to myself :)

Ez is - well him? I had to pretend to date him for a girl to stop calling him and I feel bad for the girl but Ezra said he apologizes and well, the girl wished me luck... He got mad.

I'm doing good, Reece. I'm trying to get into the program and hopefully in a couple of months I will be eligible! I hope you're doing alright! I hope things got solved out for you and hopefully you're happy because you deserve happiness, Reece.

With all love, Kay <3


May 21 (presence)

I have good news and bad news! I'm going to see Liam, just Liam not my parents. Liam is going to Brooklyn to see come colleges and we agreed we would meet up! Bad news is my newest director —Aaron, he's pretty strict so I don't know if he will allow me to exit work for a couple of days? He's a good guy he's just very formal for work, like didn't even let me go out for dinner and instead told me we would work? Fashion show is in three weeks and Liam is coming next week so I'm guessing the answer will be no?

But who knows, maybe he will be nice enough to allow me to go for a couple of days? My parents don't know we're going to meet up and I don't want them to know, I rather keep it a secret between Liam and I but hopefully I can go!

I hope you're doing well! I'm doing well, Rea, I'm doing good.

With all love, Kay <3

September 10

(Now her journal <3 from two years ago btw)

God, it gets harder every day. It's been almost two months since I left Seattle and a part of me regrets leaving. I won't lie it feels good to be back to New York but I don't feel complete, you took a part of me and I never realized I was lovable. That part of me was what you had given me and I believe only you carry that piece of me because I have tried moving on, I have tried going to bars and parties but no one is anything similar to you. No matter how much affection I may receive, non of them will be compared to yours.

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