001. . . i see red

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( . . 𝐴𝐶𝑇 𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸; 𝐶𝐻 𝑂𝑁𝐸 ━━━━━ ! ﹆◞ ❫
I SEE RED / 我看到红色

If Mulan thought that Steve's global tours with his tights and annoyingly catchy songs to get people to buy bonds or men to enlist was awful to watch, then what was feasting before her eyes made her want to dig them out. Here she stands at the side of the huge stand where the Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit lands with a thunderous bang, preparing to soak in all the glory from the raging crowd. Fireworks have been popping over Stark Expo since before it even started and now sparks erupt from the stage. The background dancers' high kicks send Mulan straight into the 40s as Tony holds his arms out almost making the crowd scream louder. Mulan sighs as she thinks about the raging headache she'll have tomorrow and throws back her second gin and tonic of the night. First Steve and now Tony, is this a pattern?

A thick lump of nostalgia settles in her throat as Mulan gazes at her surroundings. The Expo has changed so much since the 40s, which is understandable with how much everything has changed since then, but instead of making her feel excited about the "future", it washes over her with cold melancholy. First of all, she never got that flying car that she poked at Howard and Tony to make, and secondly, the last time she was here was with her boys. Unknown to the reality they would face with wide fresh smiles and youth in their steps as they walked around the Expo gazing at all the advanced creations around them.

Her hand laced in James's, his smile gracing her eyes after seeing him for the first time in many months, the chocolate cake waiting for them at home, the movie with Steve, reminds her of good times. Happy times. Times where Mulan felt complete and not the woman stuck in the longest recorded mid-life crisis of all time. If she tries hard enough she can almost feel his chest pressed against her back holding her tightly as the Expo fireworks pop above them, inhaling his woodsy scent as the bright colors reflect in their eyes. They were happy, they were whole.

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Mizpah 𝖃 Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now