chapter 45

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The 4 of us run back up the hill and stand by the tall stones, looking down towards Hagrid's hut.

The executioner comes out and just stands there for a second before pulling his axe up.

I grab Harry's wrist and squeeze it tightly. He takes my hand and squeezes it gently, but the axe comes down, making me crouch down and lower my head. I look up when Ron winces lightly.

"He bit me. Scabbers" Ron calls, then runs after Scabbers.

"Ron. Ron!" Hermione calls, the rest of us running after him.


"Scabbers, come back!" Ron calls.

"Wait!" Harry calls to Ron, but he doesn't stop.

We follow him to the Whomping Willow where Ron dives at Scabbers, picking him up and sitting up on the grass.

"Harry, you do realise what tree this is?" Hermione asks.

"That's not good. Ron, run!" Harry says.

Ron pauses as his expression changes to terror.

"Harry, Hermione, run!" Ron yells at us as he's pointing behind us.

We all look back and see a black giant dog standing there, growling at us.

"It's the Grim!" Ron yells.

The giant dog barks at us as I recognise it instantly.

He jumps over us and runs over to Ron, biting down on his leg and pulling him towards the Whomping Willow


"Ron!" Harry calls "Ron, wait!"

"Ron!" Hermione yells.

"Harry! Help!" Ron yells.

Harry jumps at Ron and tries grabbing his hand, but it slips, the dog pulling Ron down a hole.

"Ron! Ron!"


"Harry!" Ron calls, his voice becoming fainter.

The Whomping Willow uses one of its branches to push up backwards, us landing on the floor. I get up as Hermione helps Harry up. There is a faint, but clearly hearable scream from Ron, so Harry turns to me and Hermione.

"Come on"

We run forwards and the Whomping Willow smashes a branch down, but it doesn't hit us. We continue on, but Harry quickly pushes me and Hermione out of the way.

"Move!" he yells and moves to the side himself, 2 of the Willow's branches crashing to the ground, trying to hit us.

We all get up and stand straight, but a branch comes right at us making me duck.

"Duck!" Hermione yells, quickly pulling herself down, but Harry gets hit back.

Hermione and me get up, and we both quickly jump as a branch tries to sweep our feet. I quickly duck as another comes, picking Hermione of the ground.

I sigh heavily and run, sliding on the grass to avoid a branch, then kicking up and hitting another as it goes for me.

I run into the hole and sigh heavily, standing to the side, knowing Harry or Hermione are gonna fly into here or something. As I guessed, Harry flies into here, landing on his stomach. Hermione then lands on top of him.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Hermione says, getting up.

"Don't worry" Harry says.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asks.

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