Twelve- Athazagoraphobia

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A/N: This is a little short and doesn't go right along with the storyline, but I'm trying to make this Natalia's story also, not just precisely written to the show's script. 

"It's been two days. Maybe the bomb on the bridge scared them off for good." Clarke assumed, standing beside me, Bellamy on my other shoulder. "Something tells me they don't back down so easily," I muttered as she tilted her head in consideration. "They're coming," She stated, staring into the forest. "Then we need to be ready. I'm going hunting with Octavia." I paused, rubbing my thumb over Bellamy's rough hand, "I'll radio you if I need you." He nodded, snaking his hand to the back of my neck before pulling me, so my lips crashed onto his. I grinned, looking up at him before turning on my heel. Catching the smirk Clarke held as I left. 

"You ready, O?" I asked before she nodded, slipping a katana sword lincoln had given her into her belt. I picked up my bow and arrow as we exited the camp. "So, does Bellamy know where we're actually going?" She asked, jumping over another ridge of soil. "If he did, we wouldn't be out here, Tavs." She snickered as we both caught the white flower in our eyesight. "Where are you going again?" She asked as I smiled, "Exploring babes. But on this side of the bridge boundary, of course." Again, she snickered before bringing me into a hug. "Be safe, red."

"Always." And like that, we split up. I jumped over fallen trees and hills before seeing a cave in the distance. I knew I had gone in a different direction than the caves we hid in with Charlotte, so my curious mind pulled me in. before I knew it, I stood at the entrance, flipping my LED light on, walking cautiously. I could hear the faint sound of water as the cave went deeper and deeper, finding myself going down an incline. Then suddenly, the cave widened so much the ceiling was at least twenty feet. Bright blue water illuminated the walls, and glowing algae could be seen everywhere. "Woah," I breathed out, turning my light off, sticking it back into my pack. Then, a window caught my attention. It was round at the top and stood almost as tall as the cave walls. I looked inside, seeing candlelight slowly flicker away. Getting closer to the window, moss caused me to struggle to see through the glass. I could see blankets scattered on the floor. Fresh food sat on a large wooden table. Someone lived here. I turned to leave, my face colliding with a hard surface. I leaned back, rubbing my nose as I looked up. Coming face to face with a large grounder. He was blonde with braids running through his hair. He wore a fur coat, Icy blue eyes staring down at me. Tattoos covered his neck as he held a bow in his hands. So it was him, the grounder from the bridge. I was speechless, not knowing what to say. 

Looking back through the window, then to him, I held my hand up in surrender, "Well, you look busy. Having dinner and all, so I'll leave you to it." I smiled, attempting to leave as he gripped my arm lightly. "Why are you here?" He asked. I was mildly surprised when he spoke English, thinking it was a lucky strike when Lincoln did. "Would you believe me when I say, exploring?" I raised my eyebrows as his lips curved upwards. "Actually, yes, I would." His accent was thick. Almost Russian, but not quite. "Well, that's good. So are you going to kill me, or should I run?" I questioned, causing him to laugh as he stepped back. "You do not need to run. I will not hurt you.." He assured as I nodded, loosening my grip on my bow slightly. 

"You were next to the bridge," I stated as he eyed me. "Yes. I saw you." He paused, "I saw you hesitate to attack us. Why?" He questioned, walking through a passageway into the living area I had seen through the window. "You hadn't attacked us. There was no reason to." 

He hummed, "Then after your friend fired first. Why did you hesitate when your contraption landed on me?" he asked, handing me a glass of water. "You saw me before you were given your orders to attack. You didn't hurt me. But, first, the same goes for you." I shrugged, taking a long gulp of water after smelling it to make sure there was nothing else in it, of course. 

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