Chapter 5

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I sat Tony down to ask him about The Avengers. He told me everything. How him and 'Capsicle' didn't get along, and never really did. How Banner and Thor had turned on him for creating Ultron. Now, his only friends were Pepper and JARVIS.

I felt sorry for him, "I know what it feels like to have only a couple of people you trust.", I said to him.

"You do?" He asked back.

"Well of corse! My whole family was HYDRA!" I said laughing, "I remember what Fury used to tell me. That he could count all the people he trusted on one hand and how he wasn't afraid to cut of fingers. I was one of them. He trusted me. He knew me better than I knew myself. Coulson was like a second dad and Nick, well, he was like the best Uncle you could ever wish for and Nick still is. They looked after me, after my parents tried to kill me." I explained to him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that." Tony said.

"It's fine." I replied to him, "I need you to come back to The Playground with me." I said to him.

"The Playground?!" He said laughing, "What a lame name!" He said.

"I didn't pick it." I said sarcastically, "Pack your things to do you for a couple of nights." I told him.

"Alright." He said, "Under one circumstance."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"That Pepper can come." He said.

"Deal." I said and he went to pack his things. I had a look around his workshop. There was so much stuff! I wanted to stay there all day! We headed for the Quinn Jet.

"Where are we going?" Pepper asked.

"The Playground." Tony said back. Pepper had a confused look on her face, but she came in anyway. We headed for The Playground. It took about an hour before we reached it.

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