How did he even dare?

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Sammayra's POV - Present

I was in my room sitting beside my son, he was soundly sleeping, but my sleep was left behind in my thoughts. I kept my phone in the side drawer and leaned on the headrest of the bed.

Closing my eyes I just invited the nice and soothing memories of my past, how my psychologist have trained me to.

Only good memories which can sooth my brain a little and nothing deficient.

Feeling my chest rise with my deep inhale and falling with another deep exhale.

I only saw one handsome face, which is getting a little toxic at this point the way I keep imagining one person.

Raphael Chevrolet.

I still remember all of the memories he gave me.

I remember...

(Thinking about her past) *watery past imagination effect* (iykwim)

How he gave me one of his rooms to live in, how he didn't ever get in between me and my privacy, how he used to cook dinner for both of us all night, how he used to comfort me with his talking when I used to get weak and cry.

Still remember the day when I took part in the fashion show, and I had to create something elegant but simple.

I ended up creating something which I couldn't have expected myself to make, I didn't know how I got the courage.

I made sure that I am not letting Raphael get very close to me, but I was still not sure if I wanted any man to be this close to me.

I felt myself subconsciously smiling to the memory of me winning the contest and getting the $100000 in front of all the international designers.

They announced my name...

I went on top of the stage shaking as I was still numb from all of the things happening in front of me.

How I was so afraid of making this dress, and how nervous I was when my model walked with this one.

I was still wearing my raggy shirt and yoga pants.

Didn't I realised that now I am more than just the normal Sammayra who was a designer with big dreams of opening her own company.

I received the check and the award.

Everyone was clapping for me, some expensive dress makers were jealous of me, and someone was whistling very loudly from the crowds.

There he was, with a beaming smile, jumping out of happiness, for me.


I opened my eyes as I was breathing hard.

There is something about that guy.

I left him as I won the prize as we had decided before the competition, he didn't stop me, but sent me smiling.

Why was he so pure?

Why didn't he think of anything bad?

And why didn't he stop me?

I was perfectly fine and healthy when I left his house, as he made sure that I was taking all the nutrition.

I was feeling so bad that I haven't done anything for him, but just took favours.

I did say to him that he can ask me for anything at anytime, and his answer was something I wasn't expecting...

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