Chapter 10: Chill Out

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"Dude chill the fuck out!"

I could hear Don, but my mind couldn't make any sense of it.

  My body trembled as I fought to control my wolf.

Images of Sam's face flashed in my mind and a loud growl escaped me.

I could feel my canines elongating, at the thought of someone hurting her.

   I was slammed against a locker and without thinking I snapped at them.

My wolf didn't like the disrespect, he was an Alpha and demanded respect!

I tasted blood in my mouth and I savored it.

  Until I heard a hiss of pain.

My jaws unlocked and I looked horrified at Don's arm.

Blood gushed from my bite.

"Oh fuck! I'm sorry Donovan! Are you okay?"

  He waved a hand in dissmisal, a grimace on his face.
"Don't worry about it, but the question is are you? What happened in there?"

I shook my head trying to clear it.

  I had never intentionally hurt Don, and my wolf whined at hurting our Beta.
"I'm so sorry!" I repeated.

He shrugged and I could see the understanding in his eyes.

  "I'm fine Chris It'll heal in an hour." He sighed and looked me straight up "What happened in there Chris?"

  I growled unintentionally and punched the nearest locker. The reminder of what happened set me off again.

"Someone hurt her Don!" I said through clenched teeth.

A confused look entered his face.

"Samantha!Who else!?!" I yelled aggravated.

I knew I should calm down and think rationally about this but my wolf wasn't having it.

Don nodded his head, for a while.

  "So you got mad because someone hit her?"

  I sent my friend an irritated glare.

Was he daft ? This wasnt so difficult to understand!


  I watched as he crossed his arms and leaned against a locker.

  "I understand why that would upset you, but not this much. You were about to shift Chris, If I hadn't stopped you...." He looked away.

    I understood, I would have given away our secret.

Which would not only lead to my imminent death, but of that of my pack and all others.

  But still that didn't seem to recede my anger.

Still he continued.

"I mean she's just a human, you can't save everyone.... "
"She's my Mate, Don!" I cut in.

His eyes bulged to double their size in shock.

"Wh... What..??" He sputtered "That's not possible!  That's unheard of! She's human and you're an Alpha for godsake!"

   I shook my head annoyed.
"That's what's confusing me, you say she's human but I can smell the wolf in her!"

"How is that possible?" Don shook his head in disbelief.
  "I have no idea, Don. Believe me I've been raking my brain, trying to understand this."

It was silent for a while, both of us trying to come to a conclusion.

   "Maybe the fact that she's your Mate, only you are able to smell the wolf in her?" Don nodded, his face tense "But I've never seen her at a pack meeting..."

"She's not in the book if that's what you're getting at, and she's not a rogue."
   "But how could she have gone around unnoticed for so long?" He asked, his usual laid back demeanor replaced by seriousness.

   I shrugged, copying his stance.

"Do you think she knows?" He suddenly asked.

  I shook my head and told him what happened at the cafeteria that day.
"So she doesn't. Unless she's lying dumb... "

I growled softly and he blushed embarrassed.

"That's your future Luna, don't disrespect her!"

  "I meant no disrespect, just trying to help out." I nodded, suddenly tired.
"Let's get back to class, I bet Spencer is irritated." Don joked trying to lighten the mood.

  It didn't work.

He washed his arm then they went in.

  Chris ignored the imploring looks, and sat down.

Far from Sam.

I could sense the fear on her.

I sighed as I looked at the clock wishing it was time to leave.

  I had to get to the bottom of this before it drove me crazy!


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-Allie c:

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