Lady Moth

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Akumatized Marinette was to much for Chat Noir alone. So even though him and Ladybug had decided long ago that they would never involve anyone outside of Paris, he was desperate. Using Adriens sway and the Mayors connection, he sent a messge to the Avengers from Chat Noir, quickly telling tham Paris's problems. Now they were here, battling Marinette, and unknowingly Ladybug.

It all started put simply at first.
After Lila got Marinette expelled, amd the de-expelled, she had toned down her lying habits drastically. Sure, she still lied about little thing, but those were things that would actually not hurt anyone.

But that changed the day the new girl came.

She looked remarkably like Ladybug, down to the personality and even the little ties in her hair.

Adrien, believing that was his lady, fell in love with her civillian side, or so he thought.

Marinette, seeing her crush fall so hard and fast for her suposed civilian side, grew sad and angry.

Not only had her best friend tossed her aside for this new Ladybug, but they were now treating her like thier stepping stool, demanding free commisions that were by far more expensive than usual, and making her plan any and everything.

Still, Marinette kept on being her usual bubbly self, always staying positive.

The only good thing about the whole thing was her friends, her real friends.

While yes, Kim was the literal definition of a jock, he knew that this new student bothering Marinette even more than Lila, well, something just wasnt right. While Marinette called Lila out on her supposed lies, she seemed to be genuinely hurt whenever the class sung their praises to the new girl. Every look and glance at the class, not the new girl, held so much pain and heartache that he knew. He just knew. He had known the girl since they were in diapers and that look, well, that wasnt jealousy or even anger, it was a look of pure, undiluted heartbreak. She never even looked at Adrien anymore with those doting and affectionate eyes, only ever hurt. But it hadnt always been like that. At first, it looked like her heart was broken, and now, it looked as if the sight of him pained her, but not in that way.

Alix, well, she knew. Her future self confirmed it the night the new student came. She had already had her suspicions, but that confirmed it.

Nino's situation was similar to Kims. The three of them had called themselves the three musketeers when they were younger, as they all had basically grown up together. When he had tried to talk some sense in his girlfriend, she completely disregarded him, saying she knew Ladybug and that was Ladybug.

When he countered that she also knew Marinette, and Marinette was obviously upset about something involving the two, Alya had just scoffed and said, "Well aparently I don't."

Nathaniel knew Marinette and knew something was up, so when he asked her what was up, and he would actually listen, especially as he was dating her cousin and sung her prayers, he knew she was innocent of everything Lila had accused her of.

Once Kagami had heard about Adriens advise to take the high road, she dropped him faster than a hot rotten fish.

Luka had always believed Marinette, not because of some silly crush, but because he could hear her melody, and her melody sung the truth.

When Luka presented his argument to Juleka, she agreed with him but wanted to stay with her girlfriend, something that, although they didn't approve, everyone accepted.

The most surprising had been Chloe. Once she saw how hurt Marinette was, that pure hurt feeling she hadnt even scratched the surface of, even with her bullying, and add that to the fact that despite Chloe being her bully, Marinette still helped Chloe. She had drastically improved her relationship with her mother, and even threw a party for Queen Bee, despite knowing it was Chloe. So yeah, the two eventually got past their differences and became quite close, finding out that they actually did have a lot in common.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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