"I'd never do it in public."

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A/N - I know it has been a while and I can only say it's because I've had no desire to write since coming back from holiday last month. I'm trying to finish my updates for my other stories if you read them and I promise they're not abandoned, neither is this, updates are just being really slow. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and stay with me until the next one. Enjoy!


No one needed to spell it out for her any further for her to understand what they were getting at, and Clarke sat back straight in her chair as the room fell silent. They were waiting for an answer.

"Why would a Unification settle worries of me leaving?" It wasn't the idea of marrying Lexa that had her stalling, it was why they wanted her to do it in the first place. Why did it matter is she betrayed Lexa, many others had over the years.

Lexa glanced at her. "Because you are Wanheda." No one disagreed.


That title had her hunted for three months, almost dragged to Polis by Roan before the craziness, sure, it had kept her alive in some situations, but overall, it was going to be the death of her. Why else would this whole plan be suggested? She was going to kill Luna at the end of this meeting.

Maybe if she stayed quiet for long enough, they would move on. Or not. All eyes were on her.

"A Union to Heda ensures you are unable to move against the Kongeda, if you are steadfast in your choice to remove yourself from Skaikru." One of the other Ambassadors remarked.

Scanning the Ambassadors, Clarke found Luna watching her a little more intently, something in her eyes stopping her short of observing the rest of the men sat around the room. Not wanting one of the others to see her focused-on Luna, Clarke turned her attention to the floor in front of her. There was obviously a reason she'd come up with this solution, but what was it? She glanced over to Lexa to see her glaring at Titus, the bastard looked like he was about to put a stop to the whole meeting.

Luna was a genius.

Doing her best to keep the grin from her face, she turned to Lexa. "Okay."

The room stopped.

For a moment, she could almost hear the candle flames dancing as the breeze hit them. No one expected her to agree to it, that much was obvious, and Luna was doing her best not to smirk at her. It was peaceful for a few moments before Titus stormed forward. "THIS IS ABSURD!"

"Yes, your outburst is absurd Titus." Lexa dismissed him. "Restrain yourself if you wish to remain in this meeting."

Opening and closing him mouth like a fish, Titus lowered his head and stepped backwards. No doubt he was planning some scheme to get rid of her, assuming Lexa kept him around that long. Watching him finally regain his ability to think, he immediately glared at Clarke, but she met his gaze for a moment before dismissing him to look at Lexa.

Blank green eyes were already on her. "If you agree to a Union, we shall hold it after Skaikru become the thirteenth clan in two days." Emotionless like always in front of the Ambassadors, Lexa wasn't giving anything away, at least not to anyone else. Clarke could see it, she didn't want to force her into this, but it was the safest way.

When no one objected the official time for the Union, Lexa shifted to look at the guards at the doors, inclining her head a fraction. "This meeting is over, inform the Clan leaders of Arkadia's joining of the Kongeda and the Union."

Several of the Ambassadors eyed Clarke before standing, taking their time to leave the room and she could feel Raven shifting behind her. The mechanic wasn't good standing around doing nothing for too long and this meeting, while not too long, was no doubt testing the woman's patience given bombs that have dropped. What Clarke wouldn't give for there to be nothing of importance for Raven to talk her ear off about, maybe she could get her distracted by Luna instead?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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