Chapter forteen :WHY!?

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I woke up surprisingly fast it was 6 am I wondered around the house like a moron .
When I decided to go outside and sit by the swimming pool. I walked towards the backyard and slid the door open and sat at the edge moving my legs in circles .

I sat there for about 15 min. until someone sat next to me . I looked at the person and it was Kenia she put her legs in the water as well "so are you having fun so far "

"What do you mean ?" I asked her .
" I mean here in LA" I thought about it yes of course I was having fun ,but as well I kind of felt like there was something missing .

"Yeah of course but I feel kinda empty inside " I told her . It was the first time me and her got to talk seriously here in LA. I guess we haven't been spending that much time together ,just sometimes we have been able to hang out ,but we have been so caught up in Kian and JC we didn't have time for each other and Julia with shawn .

"Same, I mean don't get me wrong I love to hang out with Jc but sometimes I need to be with my you girls more not just once in a while" I totally knew where she was coming from I mean after all we are leaving in a few days which I haven't told Kian yet.

"Hey you know we're leaving in a few days right ?" She looked at the water then at me.
"Yeah I know I think we should tell the guys"
"But what if they get mad for not telling them earlier ?" I was worried about kians reaction
"Well better late than never" she said standing up and leaving .

I sat there for a few more minutes then came back in to see Kenia crying . Wow what the heck just happened one second were talking and the next she's crying as if someone died.
"What's going on?" I ask Jc that's sitting in the couch with a blank expression on his face. "Jc...helloo...jc?" He looked at me his face turned from blank to angry real quick .

"Just leave her " Kian said coming out from the kitchen . "what's wrong babe?" I asked kian.
"Why didn't you tell us you were leaving in a few days?" He said angrily .Dammit Kian your always at the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Kian I'm sorry..." my voice trailed off I didn't have a good excuse why even try .

"I'm sorry....." I waited for his answer " it's not going to work out I'm not doing long distance .." I looked shocked ,surprised ,hurt ,and angry all at the same time.

"What.. Kian please no I'm sorry Kian..please I love you"

Jc looked up shocked at what Kian was telling me. He looked sorry for me then he spoke up "hey Kian calm down dude just breath and be by yourself ,don't just say this because your mad don't you think im mad but im not going to ever break up with Kenia because I might never get her back and I love her so much ,Kian dude ,think about what your saying right now "

Kian looked at me he didn't seem to listen to jc because all he told me was "get out "

I grabbed my belongings and Kenia whispered into jc's ear . He then kissed her ,nodded and told her "I love you and I forgive you "

She walked over to me opened the door and walked out. As I was walking out of the house I looked back at Kian " I'm sorry " he said.
"Yeah I'm sorry too " I let a tear finally drop and closed the door.

We decided to walk to the apartment I tired so hard to hold back the tears . When we finally arrived at the apartment I cried so hard . "WHATS WRONG!?"

" Im am leaving LA first thing tomorrow " I practically yelled at them and left to go pack up my things . The reason I don't want them to come along is because they can actually stay a little longer since we weren't planning to live until in week or less but coming back again in a few months .

I didn't want to tell the guys that because we weren't 100% sure . Two hours passed by and I was ready to leave tomorrow morning .

I was going through My Twitter when I decided to DM ansel

Missadventurous :hey can I meet you up I mean if your in LA

Ansel Elgort: sure where are you haha your not a murderer right ?

Missadventurous: dang it how did you know haha and where ?

Ansel Elgort: how about Cheesecake Factory @3

Missadventurous: sounds like a plan see you there

(At 2:45 pm )

I was on my way to the Cheesecake Factory when I arrived I entered to see Ansel in a corner booth smiling . "hi how are you ? " I said sitting down across from him. "im fine thanks for asking so what's up ?"

"What do you mean can't I just hang out Ansel Elgort without something being wrong "
"No well you don't seem into me so I think there is something you wanted to talk about that's important "I sighed.
"Ahh is it guy problems?" I kept messing with my fingers and looked up "yeah my boyfriend broke up with me today so I decided to leave LA tomorrow"

He looked at me for a while then spoke"ok tell me everything that happened from beginning to end " so I told him everything and by the time I was done telling him and him helping me out it was 6pm already "well it's getting late I should go big day tomorrow "

"Ok well good luck " I hugged him then Julia called and her picture popped out as she was calling "oh she's cute who is she?" I looked at him weirdly but then smiled wide "she's my friend that I told you about "

"Well tell her we should hang out some time" he laughed "ok" was all I said before hugging him and leaving .
"Hey what's up ? "

She sounded like she was scares and freaking out "ITS KIAN..." When I first heard those two simple words my heart broke into a million pieces .

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