Chapter 20: Building trust

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Nightmare's story was kind of sped up since I was running out of time, sorry!


Killer yawned and sat up, she was in hers and Nightmare's bed. Her head was pounding, she was tired and wanted to go back to sleep. But couldn't really, the sun was shining bright and the curtains for no reason at all were open. But when Killer looked closer she noticed Nightmare was standing outside on the balcony. She huffed but slowly got up, the soft silky blankets falling off her to reveal her night-wear. She slowly stepped on the floor, a soft shiver running up her body as she felt the cold floor.

But she didn't care much, so she quickly walked over to the balcony. The door was open so she did not need to bother figuring out how to open it. It was funny to think how she could kill anyone whenever she wanted but when it came to doors she always struggled. She either opened it the wrong way or she couldn't figure out how to open the door. One time when she was a young girl she opened the door so fast and hard she finished with a bruise on her right eyebrow and cheek. Luckily not bruising or hurting her eye.

Killer quickly walks over to Nightmare, feeling cold air hitting against her skin. She shivered once again. She huffed a bit annoyed, she should have taken something to keep her warm but whatever.

She stood next to Nightmare, he seemed unbothered or just hadn't noticed her yet. She wondered which one it was... she had so many questions... Why did she remember most of what happened last night? Soon the questions would be answered.

"You slept well?" Nightmare asked, Killer, nodded and smiled at him. "You king of... drank a bit too much" Nightmare laughed a bit.

"I did? I don't remember..." Killer groaned, soon grabbing her head as she felt her head pounding harder. The pain is spreading.

In a swift movement, one that shocked Killer. One that startled her enough to almost yell. She was now being carried by Nightmare, he was heading back inside. Killer was tired of how he sometimes acted. Just randomly doing things without asking or just... very unexpected things. One moment you were standing next to him the next one you were about to die or his... carrying you around apparently. Killer huffed a bit and glared at Nightmare.

"Don't worry you did nothing stupid you just started falling asleep" Nightmare simply said. He put her in the bed and turned around. Killer was about to stand up when Nightmare threw her a sweater. Her face was covered in the sweater, Killer took it off her face and glared at Nightmare. He just laughed a bit before walking over to a desk. He took out some papers and started writing something down, then grabbed a card, and either signed them or from the looks of it wrote back to that person. Killer never knew if it was the same person or if it was someone different every time, but she didn't care. Quickly she slipped the sweater on and got up, walking over to Nightmare to check what he was doing.

"What are you doing?" Killer asked, peeking over.

"Just some letters that townsfolk have written to me" Nightmare mumbled, a soft smile appearing. But it was quick before it went back to a frown.

"So... you remember a few days ago?" Killer said nervously.

Papers were shuffled around, when Killer looked at Nightmare's face his eyes seemed tired. But that was weird since he hadn't looked so tired or tired at all before so she was confused. She didn't know why he felt like that. She was just curious, was she not allowed to know? Was she... Did Nightmare not trust her?

"Not now Killer," Nightmare said, his voice sounding strained.

"You promised to tell me," Killer said.

"Not now... now today" Nightmare grumbled.

"Why can't I know?" Killer asked.

"Do you need to know?" Nightmare snapped looking up at her. Killer froze, she had to watch her mouth. After she had started getting comfortable around Nightmare and everyone else she kind of started... talking back to some people. Or... it could be said that she had started to express herself more than before.

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