Chapter 6

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Dumbledore looked at Severus as he left. Something in him changed and he is acting protective of Rhea already. He thought Severus hated her for what James and his friends did to him when he was still at Hogwarts. He treated her badly all these years even when he reminded Severus that Rhea is Lily's daughter. Severus swore to protect her but only for Lily as he loved her or so he thought but it doesn't look like he loves Lily anymore and his love has shifted to Lily's daughter. He can't let Severus influence the potter girl. She is the only one who can kill Tom. Tom has to be defeated and killed for good. 

He also planned on hiring Slughorn whose favorite student was Tom and Tom took great advantage of it. Slughorn will know something about the horcruxes. He knew Tom made horcruxes but he needs the number of horcruxes Tom made. Lily is Slughorn's another favorite student. So, he thought if Rhea asks Slughorn by getting close to him, he will tell her the number of horcruxes. 

Also, Severus can get his favorite job as DADA professor this year after so long. He thought Severus was going to be happy when he said the news and he was happy but he denied to let his wife go with him to convince Slughorn to come out of his retirement and rejoin Hogwarts as Potions master. He can see the fire in his eyes when Dumbledore said as Lily's daughter, Slughorn would obviously like her and would come to Hogwarts if she says. He knows the meaning of it, he is already very possessive of her. 

Dumbledore sighed rubbing his temples, he thought by marrying Rhea to Severus was an advantage for him as Severus would do anything he says and as her husband Rhea will listen to Severus and do as he says but it doesn't seem like that anymore. Why is Severus not drowning in the guilt of killing Lily anymore? He always used that to his advantage and made him do everything if he acts stubborn at times but when he said that today, Severus just glared at him and didn't even say anything. 

Instead, Severus told him to keep Ron Weasley in check as he doesn't like someone insulting his wife or talking to her rudely. He only kept quiet last night because he didn't want to spoil his wedding reception but he won't be able to control himself if something like last night happens again. Dumbledore knows Ron shouldn't have shouted at her but they are friends and it is common between friends. There was no need to make a big deal about it. But, still he decided to tell Ron to be in his vest behavior with Rhea as he can't trust Severus. He can do anything if he gets angry. 

"Albus!" McGonagall entered the room without knocking looking a bit angry.

"What is it Minerva?" Dumbledore asked her. 

"Severus came to me just now and told me that I'm not suitable for being a head of house or deputy headmistress." Minerva exclaimed and Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Did he say why?" Dumbledore asked.

"Just that I didn't listen to Potter every time she said something." McGonagall said to him.

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore frowned at her. 

"In her first year, she came to me saying her relatives are not that nice and she didn't want to go back but I knew that already and you said she had to go there for her own protection so I ignored her. She said the same thing in her second and third year too. In fourth year, I didn't believe her when she said she didn't enter into the tournament and in her fifth year, I told her to keep her head down and take the detentions given by Dolores. What else can I do Albus? I only did what you said me to do. You said she ahs to go back to her relatives, so I told her that. You thought that she entered the tournament too. You were already in ministry's bad graces and I can't go against Dolores and make them hate us more." McGonagall ranted and Dumbledore nodded his head. 

"You are right. You did the right thing Minerva. Don't listen to him. He is just acting weird. I'll take care of him and make sure he won't say such things to you again." Dumbledore promised her and she nodded colling down slightly at the praise and left his office. 

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