ฅ Chapter 30 ฅ

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POV George

It's already been a few days since the incident at the restaurant and I'm finally starting to feel better with the help of Sapnap and especially Dream. We haven't heard from that man ever since and have just been spending time together at the house.

Yesterday Dream and I finally took the time to record a video together and currently we're sitting in bed together while he edits on his laptop. This is probably the happiest I've been in a while and I wish it could stay like this forever, but I'm scared my trip is gonna come to an end soon due to some of my responsibilities back in England.

All of the sudden, the front door slamming shakes me out of my thoughts and Patches violently jolts off my chest from where she was cuddling.

"The hell-?" I say as I struggle to sit up. Dream pulls one of his headphones off out of confusion.

"GUYS" Sapnap screams from down the hall, "I FOUND A CAT!" He bursts into the room in a fit of heavy fast-paced breaths.

"Where?" Dream completely pulls his headphones off and shuts his laptop, already getting up from the bed.

"It's down the street from here, near the skatepark!" He huffs a bit, "It's hiding in a bush and was too scared to let me approach." Dream slips a hoodie on and grabs his phone off of his desk.

"Then let's go before it gets too dark!" He swiftly exits the room along with Sapnap. I rush to slip the nearest hoodie on and slid down the hall in my socks, sprinting down the stairs as I try to shove my tail into my hoodie.

We all slip our shoes on and rush out the door, following Sapnap as he jogs down the sidewalk towards the skatepark.


About 10 minutes later, we're walking through the skatepark but heading back towards an area of taller trees, filled with various bushes and shrubs.

"It's in this one." We stops at probably the densest bush here, a small opening near the bottom that leads under.

"Are you sure it's still here?" Dream asks while squatting down to sit on his knees.

"It should be, I don't think it would've gone anywhere in the past 30 mins." Sapnap states, joining Dream on the ground. I cross my arms as I stand and watch these two grown men dig through a push.

"I don't see it?" Dream says moving a few branches around.

"But it was just here!" Sap exclaims, moving to sit back up from where he was leaning over. They continue discussing all the possible places a cat could hide when I hear the faintest meow come from behind the bush.

"Wait!" I perk up, "Did you hear that?" Dream and Sapnap give me a weird questionable expression as I look around for the source.

"No?" Sapnap stands up with Dream following after. I hear the noise again and start peeking through the top of the bush.

"I think I can hear it." I say, rummaging through. "But it's so faint, if I could just-" I pause for a moment and turn back towards the others. Dream raises an eyebrow at me before I scan the area around us for any other people.

When I find that the coast is clear, I pull my hood off and my ears twitch a bit to adjust to the new environment.

"Uhh George?" Sapnap crosses his arms, "What the hell are you doing?"

I turn back towards the bush and start searching through again. Then I hear another faint meow, except this time it sounds louder and more like a 'mew'.

"There!" I raise my voice a bit as I walk around the bush. As I look down, I see the absolute smallest grey kitten I have ever seen.

"Sapnap..I thought you said it was a cat.." I say bending down to it's level.

Cat Got Your Tongue? ฅ DNF ฅWhere stories live. Discover now