Chapter X: Aoki

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I never liked that silly girl.

She has always been reckless. Doing whatever she wanted, dying her hair with that stupid color, piercing her ears like she didn't care what anyone else said about her. You see, that kind of attitude brings trouble.

To me.

I am the one who rules this Orphanage. If you want to live here, you have to obey me.

Be nice to each other.

Wear decent clothes that fit with your gender. Smile. Be a good human.

Hitori was everything but that.

There was this strange feeling I've always had, whenever she came to talk to me in my office...

When she killed Haru, everything clicked into place.

Of bloody course she was living, breathing and spitting poison out of her mouth.

Do you think I would have agreed on those two, dating , if it didn't make him happy? Haru, my rosebud boy. My pride and joy. A brilliant human being. I even thought about adopting him myself, taking him to the Core, he would be given powers, just like the rest of us. Help us bring those goodie angels down, once and for all.

But no. Because she killed him.

Why didn't I get rid of her, after that?

No. I couldn't. Maya would be upset. I am cruel, but at least I am fair. I must not cause sorrow to my children. Never.

Maya is that girl's best friend. Of course I had to pretend to like them both.

After Haru's death, I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't kill her, so I kicked her out.

I didn't want to see her bloody face again.

Because the next time she comes, her life won't be spared.

I thought I was done with blue-haired rebel girls and their infinite troubles. I thought I would never see my boy again.

The night he came to me, I nearly burned the whole house out of fright.

A retired soldier like myself, screaming in the middle of the night because she saw a ghost? Utterly Pathetic, if you think about it. However, it isn't what it seems. Both angels and demons don't believe in ghosts. They never existed, because if they did, we'd be having another war with them. It's as simple as that.

I thought I was going crazy when I heard him speak.

He smiled at me, the way he always did whenever he came to my office to give me his exam papers. He always got a full mark, because he was a superior being, an excellent student, an excellent everything.

Aoki-sensei, he called me. And that's how I knew it was really him.

Hitori is coming, he told me.

With another boy. The one who killed your friend.

Help me, Aoki-sensei, he chanted, with a voice as sweet as honey.

Help me avenge myself, and your friend.

"What should I do, Haru?" , I asked.

My rosebud boy smirked at me. Like I have just become his partner in crime.

Fire, he breathed, and I could swear my body reacted to the word as if it hit home. My hands grew hot, sparks went flying out of them, hungry to burn everything they touched. Hungry for destruction.

Let them see what a demon is truly made of. 

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