Truly Okay

19 4 0

You know
It's kind of funny
Mental disorders...

You get sucked in
And trapped in their sticky webs
They begin to feel their way around
Wrapping themselves tightly
Claiming you as theirs

Slowly sucking the breath out of you
Imprisoning you behind the four walls of your brain

Slowly you get numb to the pain
Find comfort in the darkness
And both mold into one

No longer knowing which is which
You begin to lose yourself
Walking in the vast darkness

Not knowing where to go
You beg your mind to let you go
To let you catch a breath of air

The feeling of pain is a drug
An addictive one too
Once you go through withdrawal you begin to crave

Yearning for the pain
But numbed with medications
You stare up in silence
Begging for a tear
To relieve you of your pain
But none run

But surely it can't always be like that
If you're looking for an answer you may not be satisfied
I am getting better indeed

The yearning never diminishes...
But it gets smaller
Slowly but surely it will get better

Going blindly with time
I wait for that day
Where I am truly okay

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