ARC 2.4

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[ Yo! What happened why so shocked ? ]

' Why won't I be shocked ? It's a succubus okay !? '

[ So ? ]

' It's not normal atleast not from where I am from. They are imaginary creatures in my world.'

[ Host, you better get used to this imaginary creatures. May be in next world it will be....... mermaids ....or.. vampires.. or.. elfs... or.. werewolves...or..ghosts..... anything can be anything.]

' Is that any type of hint about my next world Eli ? '

[ May be. ]

' But in novels I have read you systems don't have any freedom in choosing the next world 🤔🤨🧐 '

[ Bullshit! We systems are allowed to choose their mission world it totally upto us whether we want to tell our host or not. Don't you dare compare those *beep* idiots with the honorable us. Hmph~ 😤. ]

' Okay no need to be so angry. It's my fault okay. Sorry baby 😋. '

[ Sorry my ass! 😡 And who the hell is your baby!? ]

' But I really am.🙃 And as for the baby it's a secret you don't wanna know. '

[ Yup you're right. I really don't wanna know. ]

' Ouch! I am hurt. '

[ Sure sure. Whatever get ready. 💢 ]

' For what?'

[ We are gonna reach the sect any minute. ]

' Ah! I am ready as always. '

[ Meaning not ready at all. ]

' Eli! You bastard ! You need a beating don't you. '

[ 😛 ]

' But still succubus is not normal you know. '

[ Consider it as plot twist. ]

' Eh! '

[ We will be there any minute why are you still so idle get ready 💢 ]

' We have enough time why don't you know 1 minute consist of 60 seconds. '

[ No need to play tricks on me you can't ever defeat me. ]

' Hey don't be so cocky I can always defeat you ?  '

[ What will you defeat me with ? Your IQ of 89 ?😏 ]

'.......Eli you motherfucker 🤬 '

" Welcome back FengHua. "

Liza stopped cursing and look towards the source of the sound. She is somewhat surprised seeing the people greeting her. There are a group of people waiting for her. There are Sect Leader, the Elders and all the disciples of the sect.

' Eli why are they gathered here this clearly didn't happened in the plot. '

[ Well, you see before going to do closed ciltivation the original owner gave them a talisman. If she succeeded in breakthrough then it will shine brightly and if not then it will burn and turned into ashes.]

Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge Where stories live. Discover now