9: WW3

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POV: Narrator

Seth: I really didn't know you lived so close. If you want I can drive you to school. If your parents can't take you of course.

Luna: Ah, really?

Seth: Yeah I don't see why not. Here, put in your phone number. Just text me if you need a ride.

Cameron: Wow, how smooth Seth.

Seth: What do you mean?

Luna: Nothing, here.

She takes his phone and puts her number in. The lunchroom fills up as the table of friends does.

Tyler: So you two live close to each other?

Seth: Apparently. Funny, I've never seen someone my age on my block before.

The table gets quiet. They automatically put one and two together and understood. They all look at Luna but she puts her finger over her lips to signal them to be quiet.

Cameron: Hey Seth, can you get me some napkins?

Seth: Um, sure.

He gets up and walks to the other side of the room.

Cameron: Did you know him!?

Luna: Ah, is this wh-

Tyler: We don't have much time so tell us.

Luna: Tell you what?!?

Jade: She knew Seth when they were young, but he constantly forgets her.

Cole: Wait really?!

Cameron: I knew he could forget people, but I didn't think it'll actually happen.

Luna: It was worse when we were younger but he remembers me now so it's ok.

Tyler: Well, we have to have a plan if he does forget one of us, or all of us.

Cole: What could we do? Not like just looking at us will do anything.

Jade: Is there actions that will do something in him?

Luna: I did the same action for a month in 8th grade but it didn't work.

Cameron: We just need a picture with all of us! And if we give it to him he'll remember us.

Luna: I also wrote down our names in his notes.

Seth: Why do I feel like you're talking about me.

Tyler: It's noth- AH!!

Seth: Yeah, someone wanted to tag along.

Emma: Hi!

Everyone Thinking: Emma!!??

Tyler: Emma, hey!

Emma: Hi Tyler, whats up?!

Tyler: N-nothing!

Seth: She ran into me, literally, and couldn't find a seat in time. We have shadows in the school today so the seats are full.

Emma: I really hate to bother you but can I sit here today?

Cameron: Of course!

The group sits in the same seats everyday. On one side, it's free seat, Cameron, Seth, then Luna. On the other side, it's free seat, Tyler, Cole, then Jade. There are four open seats for Emma to sit at, and she sits at the head of the table at the end in between Luna and Jade.

Emma: Thank you. It's like impossible to find a seat.

Cole: It's nothing really, we have the room.

Emma: Well again thank you. So Seth, you ready to do our project in history?!

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