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Hello, loves!

It's been more than a minute, but an update is here! I am working on all stories, but I have a very busy schedule so please allow me some time.

WARNING: This chapter contains heavy material such as the mention of Zayn's mum's death and birthing complications. It also hits on mental health and depression, so please read carefully, babes. ❤

Finally, please enjoy this new chapter! (Hope the writing's still on par ☺)

Chapter 65:

The first thing I felt, before I even opened my eyes or came to the realization that I was no longer asleep, was a warm body pressed up against my own and someone nuzzling their head into the skin of my back. Somewhere in my sleepy haze, I knew that it was Liam by my side, and that seemed to be enough to make sleep slip away from my focus. Instead, I focused on Liam and the warmth he provided as I breathed in deeply and turned in my spot to lay an arm across his waist. My fingers massaged a pattern into his skin, and I gave out a sigh.

It was still so surreal to wake up beside Liam, even if we've done it before. He was someone that I trusted with all of my being, and I was thankful that he was choosing to stay with me and deal with all of the bullshit I put him through.

"I don't want to get out of bed," I mumbled out as I did my best to suppress an oncoming yawn.

I was exhausted. I spent most of the night texting Louis while Liam slept soundly by my side. I asked my best mate for advice on our first date, and Louis was actually full of ideas. I allowed him to help me plan the date I was going to take Liam on, but most of it was my doing. Louis did insist on putting together a picnic for us, however.

The other reason I was so exhausted was that I didn't sleep much even after texting Louis. I didn't tell Liam, but I was terrified to fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I could only see my father coming through my bedroom door every night with vile intentions. I could only remember all of the pain and loneliness. And it was the worst kind of torture to relive it nearly every night.

"I know, but we have to," Liam replied. I felt his lips move from where his head laid. He was so close that they lightly pressed against my skin as he spoke. It sent shivers through my spine.

"Not necessarily," I countered as I kissed the top of his head. His hair smelled like the shampoo that I used in my restroom, and it only made me long for more days together. "We could always just miss a day. I'm sure no one would mind."

Even through all that I was dealing with, my grades weren't actually that bad. I could get away with missing another day. But it would be selfish to disrupt Liam's learning if he really wanted to go. It would also make me a terribly mate if I left Louis all alone with just Drew's company.

"Sadly, we can't," Liam sighed. "You've missed enough school as it is, and I don't plan on getting used to such a bad habit." He pulled his head away from my chest, allowing the cold air to drift into the spot that his warmth abandoned. "We have ten minutes before we have to get up."

I couldn't help the smile that overtook my lips. Liam's subtle acts of care, like he was taking care of me for my own benefit, made me feel like I mattered. Even if he didn't realize it, he was reminding me that I couldn't give up. Not if he wasn't giving up on me-- no matter how desperately I wanted all of the pain inside to end.

"I hate that you're usually right," I surrendered. I would get out of bed with Liam's motivation, and maybe I would have a good day today. Even if I woke up feeling rather dejected, maybe the day would get better if Liam forced me out of bed.

"It's Friday," Liam suddenly reminded. It was a bit jolting to realize that two whole days went by of just us. Just the two of us being together. "This is the last day we have to get up. We can stay in bed all day Saturday and Sunday if you want."

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