Overprotective Friends

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" Let me out , please ! " yelled Boboiboy .

Boboiboy is struggling right now . Keyword : struggling  . Yeah , that's right , our precious yet stubborn elemental boy is in a huge trouble . But , what happened actually ?


" There isn't any new missions for all of you . So , for today , I want all of you to list all of the Power Spheres in the Power Sphere Room and give the lists to Agent Julie and Agent Junie . " ordered Maskmana .

" Understood , Maskmana ! " salute the Kokotaim gang , which consists a boy who's wearing an orange cap , a girl who's wearing a pink shawl , a Chinese-girl with a pair of beautiful blue eyes , a boy who likes carrot so much , an Indian boy with a close bond to the orange-capped boy and a small , yellow Power Sphere .

Maskmana nodded . The gang then started to walk together toward the Power Sphere Room . On the way , Ochobot told the others about what happened last night .

" Long story short , Boboiboy went out of the room to make some hot chocolate before sleep . He met his father who challenged him for a spar then he sparred until midnight . " said Ochobot .

" So , you're saying that he's not resting well after our journey yesterday ? " asked Fang with a menacing dark aura .

" Definitely . " Ochobot looks at Boboiboy who's trying to ignore his freinds' angry looks and gazes . Gopal came to him and shakes him like he's shaking a milk shake .

" You said you will rest ! " shouts Gopal as he shakes Boboiboy . Boboiboy's getting dizzier by every second . After a minute or so , Gopal let go of him . Boboiboy holds his head , trying to steady himself . At this moment , the gang arrived at the Power Sphere Room . They went inside quickly . Fang locked the door so no one would interrupt them .

" Well , I did have some rest last night . At least I have some rest , right ? " Boboiboy tilted his head innocently .

" Boboiboy ! It's been the millionth time you put others before yourself ! You should care about your own well-being first ! " Fang said angrily as he can't keep quiet anymore .

" Since we didn't have any new missions today , you should rest . " Ying said but her idea was rejected by the elemental manipulator .

" No . Guys , I'm healthy and completely fine . You guys don't have to worry about me . " assures Boboiboy .

" Well , you will rest and that is final ! " Ochobot said , making the ultimate decision . Ochobot looks at Yaya as the pink girl just nodded her head .

" Apungan Graviti ! " she used her power and trapped Boboiboy inside her gravity power . Poor our elemental boy is struggling right now . He tried everything but the pink bubble won't budge at all . There's only one thing to do .

" Let me out , please ! " yelled Boboiboy .

End of flashback ~~

" No , you should rest inside this bubble ! " scolded Ying . All of the Power Spheres are watching the drama between Boboiboy and his freinds .

" Hm ! Boboiboy- " Boboiboy was about to transform into his Solar power but Fang prepared a ferocious guard to guard him .

" Harimau Bayang ! " Fang made a shadow tiger . The tiger hisses loudly . Boboiboy immediately changes his mind and just sit still inside the pink bubble .

" Don't even think about escaping Yaya's Apungan Graviti . " threatened Fang .

" Huh...fine . " Boboiboy gives up , although he hates it but it's the wisest thing to do .

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