Chapter 39

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The rest of the day was just one sided matches with the twins until they faced each other in the finals.

"Ginara, remember, outsmart him" Kimono whispered into Ginara's ear before the fight.

"Remember, you can overpower anyone you step on the battlefield with" Kagono been whispering into Ginarae's ear all day since the tournament started.

"Ginarae, my brother, I hope you know that the chances of you beating me are slim" Ginara said trying to see his weakness even though their twins.

"No you idiot, don't say that BS with me like you did with that other guy" Ginarae snarled "I'm not arrogant but I'm not insecure, you're not going to mentally hurt me like you did to the other guy, you should know this." 

"If I can't hurt him mentally, I have to outsmart him physically" Ginara thought.

Ginarae didn't waste any time and turned his arm's into stone and ran towards Ginara to try and get a few punches in. Ginara dodged all the punches except one that scraped her cheek. 

"What, master Kimono taught you these moves?" Ginarae asked mocking her.

"Yeah, I did, jealous you can't do any of them" Ginara said wiping her cheek.

"I already told that isn't going to work" Ginarae said quickly sprinting to Ginara.

Ginara caught the punch.

"I know, but that isn't why I'm telling you this" Ginara said.

"Then why are you telling me this" Ginarae asked.

"As a distraction" Ginara said as wooden spikes came from ground almost stabbing Ginarae.

Ginarae was able to jump out the way.

"Hey, no killing!" Torch explained.

"Hahaha, fine sis, if it's a fight to the death you, then you'll get one..." Ginarae was stopped by Ginara giving him a quick upper cut to the chin, making him fly to the air and come right back down.

"That's his weakness, defense" Ginara thought. "Which means if I send a barrage of attacks, it won't end up to well."

Ginara did just that buy by sending a barrage of wooden spikes under him. Ginarae was struggling to dodge them, although he never got stabbed, he had plenty of small cuts all over his body besides his face.

"What the hell, there's no way she is this strong" Ginarae thought.

"Remember, you can over power anyone you step on the battlefield with" Ginarae remembered Kagono saying.

Ginarae did a full on charge to Ginara, punching her right in the stomach. Ginara flew backwards but used her hands so she won't slide out the ring.

"Damn it, she's winded" Kimono thought as Ginara was very slow to get up.

"I won't lose to a sexist scumbag like you" Ginara said putting every ounce of magic left into this prounce.

Ginarae did the same.

"Say goodnight" Ginarae said right before they attacked.

"Ahhhhh!" Both shouted as they were both feet away each other now in a punching motion.

"What is my job at this tournament again?" Kwu asked earlier that morning.

"To stop the fight if it gets to serious, they are both our top prospects, and they really don't like each other." Kimono responded.

Kwu blocked both of their punches. As they fell to the ground in exhaustion Kimono caught Ginarae (the boy) and Kagono caught Ginara (the girl).

"This is way to out of hand" Naguyi commented.

"My babies!" The twins mom exclaimed going in their direction.

"They're alright, they are just sleeping, put them in bed, they'll wake up good and new" Kagono explained as the day was almost over.

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