- Chapter Eleven -

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The next morning, (Y/n) walked into class with Uraraka by her side like the day before. They were giggling amongst each other as they walked in. Deku and Iida approached them and said their good mornings. It was a great start to the day.

Although everyone seemed to be in the best of moods, (Y/n) couldn't help but notice Todoroki sitting in his seat and staring at her.

"I'll be right back.." she said as she pushed past the group and made a b-line to the boy. Seeing her come his way, he immediately stiffened in his seat and sucked in a breath.

With confidence that came out of nowhere, (Y/n) slammed her palm onto his desk and leaned in close. "What is your problem with me." She snapped.

Todoroki cleared his throat nervously. "There is no problem, Miss Aizawa."

"Then what's with the staring. And what were you going to stay at the beginning of class yesterday."

"I.. I don't know what you mean."

"Oh stop lying! I know you know me. But how. How do you know me!"

Their classmates began to slowly gather around the two as she yelled. Uncomfortable with all the attention, Todoroki pushed his finger to his lips. "Shh! Okay fine! We'll talk. Just not now!" He said in a hushed tone.

"Is everything alright?" Kirishima cut in, putting a concerned hand on the girl's shoulder.

(Y/n) huffed and turned around only to immediately run into him. Her reflexes caused her hand to go up as if to catch herself as she pushed his chest lightly. "O-Oh sorry.. Yeah. Everything is fine." She said as she peered over at Todoroki who hid his face in his hands.

Kirishima, whose face was as red as his hair, stepped to the side to get out of her way. "N-No problem!! Sorry to be in your way!" Clearly the girl's touch surprised him.

(Y/n) stepped around Kirishima and sat at her desk just as Erasure walked into class and began his lesson for the day.


Once lunch time came around, the entirety of the class was completely beat. After doing training exercises with All Might himself, they were all exhausted and ready for bed.

(Y/n) was in line with her tray in hand to get food but was struggling to keep her eyes open. Her head bobbing every now and then as she nearly fell asleep standing up.

Suddenly, a hand caught her forehead as it was about to fall forward again, startling her awake. "Oh.. Katsuki. It's you. " she muttered under a sleepy tone.

"Yeah yeah it's me.." he replied as he forced the girl to take a step forward, still holding her head up with his hand and arm wrapped around her shoulders. "You're holding up the line, tiny."

"Hey I said not to call me small anymore!"

"No you said to stop calling you short. So I called you Tiny." He teased as they moved forward again.

"Hmph.." The girl sighed and shook her head from his grasp. "I'm fine." She said as she pushed ahead of him in line. His arm dropping to his side.

Bakugo's smirk sent a warm sensation throughout the girl's body, but she kept her eyes forward and continued to get her food.

Once her tray was filled, she walked over to her table where her friends waited.

Uraraka and Iida waved at her as she approached them and sat down.

"Hey guys.. man I am beat." The girl said as she got herself situated besides Uraraka.

"You and me both. But geez, Aizawa. I didn't realize how strong your quirk was! You can make almost everything out of just concrete! It reminds me of Yaoyorozu's creation quirk!" Uraraka chimed as she mimicked (Y/n)'s clapping motion she uses to activated her quirk.

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