73. Psychology: You Are Sick

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Su Bei sighed deeply, “Tongtong, do you have to force me to tell the truth?”
“Do you want to say you like someone else?” she said, choking up. “I don’t believe it!”
Su Bei deepened his voice, “No, I like men.”
The other side was so shocked that she even forgot to cry. After a long time, Ye Tongtong roared, “Do you really need to humiliate yourself only to break up with me?”
Then she hung up the phone.
Su Bei wiped his face, he checked, in this world, homosexual is a kind of illness, mental illness.
Or maybe that’s the case in many worlds.
Then after sucking up to daddy system using a variety of fawning ways, the system helped Su Bei sent a message to Ye Tongtong.
It was about the introduction about Xiao Qianran, a famous psychologist, no matter what kind of mental illness, he could cure it all.
Su Bei thought, with Ye Tongtong’s persistent characters, she would choose to take Su Bei to see a doctor.
Then he could get close to Xiao Qianran reasonably.

So it wouldn’t seem very deliberate. Perfect!
As expected, the second day Ye Tongtong stormed all the way to Su Bei’s home.
As she saw Su Bei, she suddenly felt he looked kind of strange to her.
“When did you dye your hair?” She asked hesitantly.
Su Bei said honestly, “Yesterday.”
Ye Tongtong looked at Su Bei incredulously, “Your clothes?”
Before Su Bei answered, Ye Tongtong directly grabbed Su Bei’s collar, “Whatever, you come with me. I will take you to see a doctor!”
Su Bei pretended, “I am not sick. Why should I see a doctor?”
Ye Tongtong bit her lip, tugging Su Bei, “Just follow me!”
Su Bei dissembled the great joys in the heart, pretending unwilling to go with her.
Xiao Qianran’s office was in a building. Ye Tongtong said she only made the appointment today through her parents’ connections.

A lot of people were lining up. It took them quite a long time.
After entering, Xiao Qianran in suits looked more rigorous than before.
He put on a warm smile, “What a coincidence!”
Ye Tongtong said viciously, “If you can help me cure my boyfriend, I will let go of what happened yesterday.”
Su Bei whispered, “We have broken up.”
Ye Tongtong said, “We did not break up. It’s only that you are ill.”
Su Bei stopped talking, because the more he said, the more mistakes he made.
Xiao Qianran scanned Su Bei’s expression, only finding it kind of interesting.
He said he was not ill, but with a secret exciting face. Why?
Xiao Qianran formulaically asked, “I wonder what you would like consulting.”
“He said he likes men,” Ye Tongtong said, pointing to Su Bei.

Su Bei said with a face of seriousness, “I never said that.”
Ye Tongtong stomped her feet, “You didn’t say so yesterday. Did you lie only to break up with me?”
Before Su Bei opened his mouth, Ye Tongtong directly asked Xiao Qianran, “I want to know whether he lied! If he really likes men, then cure him!”
Xiao Qianran smiled, looking at the eyes of Su Bei, as if he was able to see through his whole person, “Mr. Su likes men?”
Su Bei began his performance, “Isn’t this supposed to be my privacy?”
Xiao Qianran calmed, “Mr. Su, you do not need to resist so much. I just ask a few simple questions.”
He paused, then said. “Miss Ye, would you please show yourself out?”

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