Chapter 1

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-Scott's POV

"Daddy! wake up!" Liz shook me. I groaned. "Liz, please, let Daddy sleep..." I said, dozing off again. Suddenly, I was hit in the nose by a pillow. "Ow! Liz, Daddy's tired. A few more minutes. Then I promise we'll go to the mall, ok?" I know I had promised her we would go to the mall today since yesterday was her 6th birthday, but last night I was up until 1:00 in the morning. I need rest.

"But Daddy! You promised!" She looked at me with her big, green, puppy dog eyes. I would have given in if I wasn't so tired. "I know, but for now, I need just a little more sleep, ok? Then I promise we'll go to the mall." I tried to sound as convincing as possible. "Fine..." Liz muttered. "Pinky promise?" she held out her pinky. I smiled at her and locked our pinkies together. "Pinky promise. Now go find Avi or Mitch to play with, ok?" I spoke, while yawning.

"Ok, Daddy!" Liz said then ran off. I smiled at the little girl who just skipped out of my room, then shut my eyes, slowly drifting off into the land of sleep and dreams.

-Avi's POV

I woke up a bit earlier than expected this morning, so I just decided to go on my phone for a while. You know, scroll through Twitter, the usual. I was currently admiring a delicious looking rib buffet that one of my fans tweeted me, but was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone knocking on the door. I got up and opened the door and found Liz standing there.

She looked up at me. "Avi?" "Yes?" I hummed, picking her up."Can we play? Or do something?" I smiled and set her down on my bed. "Sure kiddo. Is Daddy still sleeping?" I asked her and got a nod in reply. "He wants to sleep for a few more minutes, then he said we could go to the mall!" Liz spoke, her eyes lighting up in pure happiness.

I chuckled at her. "Well, what do you want to do?" Right after I finished, her belly growled, causing both of us to erupt into a fit of laughter. "I guess we should make some breakfast, then!" I suggested. Liz smiled and nodded at me. "Let's go then." I said and carried her to the kitchen.

"Here," I said, passing Liz the pancake mix. "open that and I'll get the bacon." "Ok!" Liz said and attempted to open the box. After everything was ready, Liz started to mix the batter and I fried up the bacon. "That smells so yummy!" Liz said. Then her stomach growled again. I laughed and handed her a finished piece if bacon. She bit into it to taste it, then basically shoved the whole piece in her mouth. I laughed again.

"Man, you are one hunrgy girl!" I said, putting a strip of bacon in my mouth. It was then that I realized how amazing this bacon turly is, and shoved it in my mouth like Liz did. "Liz, now I understand why you did that. This is some good stuff right here!" Liz giggled at me.

We finished making the pancakes and set all the food out on the table. "All done." I said, handing a mini pancake to Liz. She gulped it down and smiled at me. A few seconds later, Mitch appeared randomly and Liz ran to him. "Morning, cheeseball!" Mitch said, picking her up.

"Hey! I'm too old for nicknames!" Liz yelled. "No you're not." Mitch smirked. "Anyway, Queen smelt bacon, and you know how I feel about bacon." Mitch said again. I nodded and smiled.

The rest of the gang came a few minutes later and we all ate the food in silence. "Ok, Liz. Let's go to the mall now." Scott said and stood up. "Yay! Finally!" Liz yelled and and jumped into his arms. "Ok. Bye guys. We'll be back soon." Scott said. We all said goodbye to them and the pair walked out the door.

-Scott's POV

I walked outside, and hit the button on my keys, causing my car to unlock. I sat Liz down, and opened the door to the back seat. She crawled into the seat, and I reached in to put her seat belt on.

"Daddy! I can do it!" Liz said to me, putting her small hands on my wrist. "Are you sure? Last time you got pinched." I said to her, moving one of her thin little curls out of her face. "I'm fine!" She said, and I closed the door, allowing her to do it herself.

Before pulling out, I watched her in the rear view mirror, making sure that she got the belt on. I probably could be called 'Over-Protective', but I hate seeing my little girl in any kind of pain, even if it is just a small pinch.

When we got to the mall, I opened the back door, and Liz jumped out eagerly. "Hold my hand." I told her, not wanting her to run out in the parking lot. I knew she was smarter than that, but being an energetic six year old, you never know. "Do I have to?" she asked, giving me the big eyes, and the head tilt.

"Yes, you have to. Do you know how sad everyone would be if you got hurt?" I said, holding out my hand. After a second, she grabbed it, and we walked to the large doors of the mall.

A/N: Hey guys! So we've decided that we will update on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Hope you enjoy the chapter! Bye!

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