Chapter ① [Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place]

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Dark... pitch black... void... nothingness is what I see... I don't know whether my eyes are opened, closed or if I even have eyes at all... Though my consciousness is still active, I'm still not able to do anything but think... I guess I'll just have to wait then...


I wake up in a place that is dark and empty room like area. It's not as dark as before, which is a huge plus, and it seems I'm finally able to make a noise!

"Where am I? What happened? Why is it so damp in here? I thought I was in my classroom sleeping..."

Wait, why am I making weird growling noises? Am I a cat? Did I turn into an animal in my sleep?! Yeah right...

I need to find out where I am, but I can't since it's so dar-!


Huh!? That was loud! What the heck was that? The sound feels like it's reverberated, so does that mean I'm in a cave? Huh huh, have I been kidnapped?! That gotta be it... That must be the rescue party making all that noise!


I growl deeply, but hear nothing in response. Weird. It must have just been my imagination. You know what, I was probably so deep into my sleep that I fell into a coma. Yeah, that definitely right! I'm probably in a coma right now, my family sitting right beside me! That makes me feel better at least...

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill 『Rationality LV1』》

" Proficiency? Skill? What the heck?"

Woah wait... it's like a video game! So cool, that means I probably have a cheat skill to help me in my adventure to save the world! Probably...


While I'm thinking to myself, hoping that part of this isn't real and part of it is, I hear the same noise as before, just louder. It seems like whatever is coming here has gotten closer and they will soon find me. While I'm at it, I might as well try this...


...maybe if I say it differently...


...nothing, really? I heard a voice that gave me a skill, so there must be a way to access and/or talk to it. Oh wait, I got it!




Whelp, it was worth a try, guess I'll die! Hey that rhymed, cool.

This otherworld is kinda stupid. I mean, why can't someone access their own status! It just doesn't make sense!

"Maybe this world is realistic in the sense that there isn't a status screen? Still, there's also a chance that you can only see your status using something like an "Appraisal" skill?"

《Currently you have 100 skill points.

The skill 『Appraisal LV1』 can be acquired by spending 75 skill points.

Do you want to acquire it? 》


《Currently you have 100 skill points.

The skill 『Appraisal LV1』 ca-》

"I heard you the first time!"

What the heck?! Why did this show up? Is it just because I said the skill name or because I wanted to see my status? Either way, I'm all in for an "Appraisal" skill in my arsenal!

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