Chapter Forty

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I watched with pain in my heart how Bellamy's belly grew bigger every week, but her spirit weaker.

She didn't talk as much, laugh as much—at one point, she only left her room to eat or go to the bathroom. I tried to comfort her, but I knew it wasn't enough.

There was only one person who was able to comfort her, and she no longer could. Because of me.

Bellamy blamed herself for what happened, but none of this was her fault.

I should've continued to keep her at arm's length. As much as I loved her and our baby, none of this would've happened if I just kept it in my pants.

Being a dick to her and losing her to it would be worth it if by that Bellamy would get her friend back.

"Bellamy?" I whispered, quietly opening her door and peeking inside.

She laid on her side with her back facing me, and when I came closer I could see that she had a pillow between her legs, her brows furrowed as she slept.

I closed the door behind me, slowly approaching the bed and placing the tea I made her on her bedside table.

I couldn't help but smile at the way she mumbled in her sleep, even though I knew she was beyond uncomfortable. These last few weeks of her pregnancy proved to be difficult.

Of course, I would never know what she was going through exactly, but my heart ached when I looked at her.

And she had to do all of this alone.

I kissed her softly on her forehead, caressing a hand over her bump over the covers, and decided to leave the room.

Brushing a hand through my hair, I walked down the stairs, plopping on a chair at the dining table.

"How is she?" Isaac asked, sipping his coffee, and I sighed.

"She's sleeping," I replied, chewing on my bottom lip. I looked around the room, hesitating to ask the question that had already been on my mind for months.

"What?" Isaac said with raised brows, sitting back and crossing his arms.

"I think..." I looked at my hands. "It's time I found my own place don't you think?"

Isaac dropped his arms, leaning forward. "What?"

"Well, I've found something cheap in the neighborhood, and if I get back to work..."

I ignored the look of concern on Isaac's face. He really had the kindest heart, but especially since Bellamy and I were having a baby now, it was time to go.


"Isaac," I interrupted him, giving him a small smile. "You truly are the best friend anyone can wish for, but I've stayed here too long already. It's been months since I got out."

He nodded, looking in the direction of the stairs when we heard a door open.

I jumped from my seat when I saw Bellamy coming down the stairs, one of her hands grabbing the banister at her side for dear life, the other supporting her belly.

"Bella," Isaac breathed out, hurrying to his sister and helping her down the stairs. I flinched at her puffy, red eyes, feeling like I should've done more to comfort her.

I didn't want to be pushy, but maybe that was just what she needed?

"Hi," she said softly, her voice hoarse as she made her way to the chair Isaac had been sitting on a minute ago. Her breathing was uneven, and I grew more worried by the second as I looked at her.

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