MariChat FLUFF AGAIN HAHA (im enjoying this btw not my story)

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Once again fluff haha. Fic from Clumsy Business by ChocoluckChipz, ill be posting a few of their stories since they write a lot of fluff sooooo anyways.... YALL BETTER READ THIS I WILL BE POSTING FLUFF FOR A WHILE WHATEVER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!


Enjoy <3

Adrien was pretty sure that this whole business wasn't his fault at all and, as a matter of a fact, he had a really good reason to believe that Marinette's clumsiness was the culprit to blame. However, he didn't really care about the who, what and why, anymore. All that mattered was that he had finally found someone who would love him back just as much as he loved her.

It all started in September of their last school year together, which was about sixteen months ago. Mlle. Bustier had given her class a seemingly ordinary assignment – by the end of their first semester they had to find, learn about, experience, and write a report on a part of Paris they hadn't known yet or at least something that wasn't usually associated with the City of Love's reputation. Adrien had considered many places but when he had spotted one of his classmates researching Parisian catacombs his mind was made up immediately. Firstly, the mysterious underground world sounded much cooler than anything he had considered. Secondly, he had an unfair advantage – the night vision of a cat. And lastly, when else would his Father allow him to go there if not now, under the pretense of a school project?

Said classmate happened to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng and they had agreed to go explore the underground tunnels on November 01 together. Marinette, thought, caught a nasty flu and spent that day buried under a mountain of blankets, missing their tour. As far as he knew, her next visit was planned for November 11 th , which she politely declined Adrien's company for, not wanting to bother him more than necessary. Which was why Chat Noir had been surprised to see her staring forlornly at a closed Catacomb tour door the next day, as he ran by, finishing his morning patrol.

"Why such a long face, Princess?" He landed in front of her with all of the grace of a feline. "Did the world end and I just haven't noticed it yet?"

"Yours probably didn't but mine is as good as done," Marinette was barely holding back tears. "Almost three months of hard work and research- ruined- all down the drain- and all because I'm so scatterbrained and can't remember dates correctly!"

"What happened?" he asked if only to avoid the suspicions of having already guessed what was going on. They hadn't talked since school ended on Friday so Adrien had no way of knowing if she'd missed yesterday's date too but it certainly looked like it.

"My school project on the catacombs," Marinette sighed. "I mixed up the stupid dates and now all my work is useless because I can't experience them for myself."

"Hey, don't say that," Chat smiled. "Just come back when they open next time."

"Next time will happen next year , Chat," Marinette grumbled. "The catacombs are open to the public only a few days a year and I need this project done by Christmas holidays."

"Oh." He had completely forgot about it. "And writing without going in isn't an option..." Chat murmured the grim conclusion under his breath. Looked like somebody was in a bit of trouble.

"Yes. Unfortunately, visiting the site is one of the major requirements for this project," Marinette sighed and got ready to leave. "Well, I guess I'd better not waste any more time and get started on a new one. See you around, Chat Noir."

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