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Suga fixed his tie feeling all nervous by the big day as he stood at the end of the aisle. He isn't angry about the idea of getting married to Chaeyoung but he hates the fact that they're forced. He was in deep thoughts when the music started playing announcing that the bride is coming.
Chaeyoung walked beautifully in her astounding gown gaining everyone's attention. All the attendees were mouth agape by Chaeyoung's beauty including Suga who couldn't take his eyes off her until she arrived to where he was standing. He snapped out of his thoughts when Chaeyoung stood facing him with her lifeless face.

"Min Yoongi" the notary said "do you take Son Chaeyoung to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honour her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Suga said.

"Son Chaeyoung" the notary said again "do you take Min Yoongi to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

Silence surfaced. Chaeyoung could never vow something she can't keep. She can't accept him as her husband, she can't live lovingly with him because she doesn't love him, she can't honour him because she's ashamed of him, and she can't stick with him because he's the reason of her agony. However, for the first time Chaeyoung has to vow something that is meant to break. She needed to save herself from this unfair world

"I do" Chaeyoung said with a low head.

"I now announce you husband and wife" the notary said.

Even the clapping wasn't that lively. Few people attended, only the closest to both of them and the ceremony wasn't going to take long as per Chaeyoung's request. She slowly held her dress and headed outside towards the car ignoring everyone there but she was stopped by a female voice.

"Chaeyoung dear, I wish you'd stay a bit longer" Suga's mother approached Chaeyoung "a person gets married once, try to enjoy yourself"

"Remorse a little bit" Chaeyoung scoffed bitterly "I hope you're ashamed of yourself. Enjoy it? Did your husband leave me anything to enjoy"

"Chaeyoung-ah please stay" Bang Shihyuk came running "do it for me, just stay a bit longer"

"Alright, I'll stay only for you asked" Chaeyoung said to Bang Shihyuk as she eyed the old lady.

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