Fixing the broken part 8: Chris Evans

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Note: I didn't write this, credits to the writer

Summary: People say that time heals all wounds. In your case, time made it worst. You've been married to Chris for five years, but his absence spoke louder than his words. After 5 years of trying, you've decided that you've had enough, and you left him. But Chris doesn't want to let you go; he doesn't want to give up on your marriage.

Would he be able to fix what you consider irretrievably broken?

Warning: Angst *a lot*


Revenge is sweet, isn't it?


Nothing, not even a hot shower, couldn't help you get rid of the negativity you read on the internet. The fact that Chris was so silent didn't help either. When you closed your eyes from exhaustion last night, he wasn't there. And when you woke up today, Chris wasn't there either. Everything seemed so different from the day before. It had nothing to do with the previous day. You woke up alone in bed. No Chris, no Dodger to make you smile. Just one day had passed, but it felt like a distant memory.

You spent the whole night thinking and reading articles online. You knew Chris would disapprove, he would say it was a bad idea, but he wasn't there to tell you that. If it wasn't for the sheets' wrinkles on his side of the bed, you wouldn't even know for sure if Chris spent the night with you.

You found Chris downstairs, focused on his phone. He had been making and receiving calls nonstop since the news broke. Apart from your best friend and Chris's mother, you hadn't been accepting any calls. What you saw on the internet was hard enough; you didn't need other people's curiosity to add to your anxiety.

You didn't even know what it meant apart from people calling you all sorts of names on the internet. You didn't even file for divorce, but now you got a pretty good idea of what would happen if you ever did.

For the world, you were a gold digger, ready to steal half of Chris's achievements. You wouldn't even take the money if you and Chris were really calling it quits, but it was none of the internet business. It was supposed to be a private matter between your husband and you, and the internet's taking side was unsolicited and unnecessary.  

Sometimes you wondered if people realized that online hate had an impact on real people. In this case, that was you.

You watched your husband talking on the phone while drinking your coffee. You couldn't even remember the last time you woke up so early. You couldn't hear what he was saying, but you could tell he looked frustrated and exasperated.

You wanted to do something, say something, but you didn't know what. Your best friend insisted it wasn't your fault when you called her last night, but the idea hadn't left your mind. You did leave Chris and talked several times about divorce. And there was the issue of who leaked the news. You didn't want to think about it too much for now, but deep down, you had your suspicions.

You hated feeling so powerless, but you couldn't point your finger at someone if you didn't even know who got the info first and what it actually said. It was impossible to tell which magazine broke the news first or who had the original information. Some articles said you caught Chris cheating and filed, some said you didn't want children, and Chris did. It was starting to become a huge and endless circus that, unfortunately, you couldn't stop it.

"This is fucking unbelievable!"

You raised your head from your phone to look at Chris. He hated the lack of control too.

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