chapter 30.

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I sat in bed with belly while Niall said he would be back.

I have no idea who called but he seemed like he was in a hurry. He left after almost tripping ten times.

I got left with belly laying on my chest while i was laying down on the bed. I'm guessing that's her favorite spot now.

I hear as the phone vibrates on the table to my left. I go to grab it seeing it's a random number that sent a voicemail.

I pat belly to get up. She budges at first but then moves over and gets more comfortable on the bed with the blankets over her. I smile at her actions.

I get up from the bed only to walk back and forth going to press the voicemail.

"This number is 844-938-33 are you sure you want to accept the message. Press one for no and two for yes." I hear the machine say. I was confused since i did not know the number but decided to pick one either way.

A deep voice starts talking. "He is lying they all are please be careful. Your mom warned me Hazel please don't listen to him." I stay in shock not moving. Confused. Whoever that person was knows my name and my mom. "*beep* to hear again dial one to delete dial two to go back to main menu dial three." After a couple of seconds i hang up leaving nothing but silence.

Who don't i listen to? How did they know my name? How did they know my mothers name? So many questions were going through my mind i felt as if i could pass out.

I sigh. It's probably just someone trying to mess around with me.

Before I could continue to think i hear the sound of the door opening. I quickly place some shorts on. Which were probably Nialls.

What? Yes i fell asleep in underwear but i had a long shirt okay. Don't judge.

I go to look if Niall was coming to the room from a creak of the door. Except i see a man in a mask lurking around as if he is searching for something.

I widen my eyes trying not to let out a gasp. I quickly go to the bed to grab belly as quiet as i can. I go to hide under the bed.

"Shh." I quietly whisper to belly as she whines. The floor is cold but i don't worry about that because what if these people are looking for something or trying to rob Nialls place.

I lay down placing my hand on my mouth trying not to make any sound.
They start to search the room kicking the door open. I can see only their shoes. I see as they walk around the room i panic a bit as they get closer to the bed. I close my eyes and trying not to breath hard.

I hear a static before someone speaks. "Bedroom clear. Find that dog or else Marco will be dead i promise you."

I hold on the belly trying to keep her asleep. I'm surprised she has been asleep after the man hit the door.

As soon as the guy leaves the room i move to get belly more comfortable. I make a small movement on the floor. Just as i move i hear a whine from my side.

I panicked and immediately stop moving.

Oh god he heard that didn't he? This is where i die now. Oh man .

Belly sits up i motion her to not make noice so she lays back down. I look to see if the man was there as i'm looking i see his what look like boots, were not moving but facing my way.

I try to stay as quiet as possible. I start breathing more harder when he gets closer.

Now his shoes were right in front of me i push belly below me in case he sees her too. Before i could react i see his knees on the floor.

"Look who we have here."


"Get over here bitch." I let out a scream as he grabs my wrist and yanks me out.

Hey its jaelyn!:) i know i know pretty short chapter but next chapter will actually be quick just hang tight;).

This is gonna be a fun ride... and intresting.

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