Chapter 76: This is good timing

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Darius' P.O.V.

As the pest was lacking behind, I grab his arm again and pull him with me. Wish he'd at least react to the hits he's been given. But as we walk further, I notice Belos who stops in front of us, making us stop. "Is something the matter, my Liege?" Belos starts with a nod till he informs us of what's going on. "This is good timing. I need you two to partner up. Specifically you two and bring Hunter along with you."

"What's the point of partnering up when I can obviously protect myself?" I reply, not understanding why I'd need that little imp around. "That I cannot specify. Just do as I say. Do you two understand?" The imp bows to The Emperor while I nod in agreement. He doesn't seem remotely fazed with me holding Hunter's arm so tightly. Guess he really doesn't care about him anymore. Serves him right for being such a nuisance.

Once we got into an argument and he flung mud on my cape! The nerve! "But my Lord! Where are we assigned to go?" Kiki asks, turning around to him. "Whenever you're given a mission. If Darius needs to be somewhere, you go. If you need to go somewhere, Darius goes." And he walks off.

And we're already assigned mission and supposed to go at a certain time. Mine is just making sure nothing is out of the ordinary around town. But why would a coven head be assigned to such peasant job? "My job isn't that important. What's yours, imp?" She glares at me as I've just called her a name, but she answers anyway. "I'm supposed to kill a monster. Something that's been living in the forest and is reported to having eaten a few witches." Wouldn't this be suited more towards Eberwolf? And how can she get a monster killing mission when I'm on watching duty? This makes no sense.

"Guess I'll be following you." I roll my eyes, pulling the pest along with me while I follow Kikimora, not knowing where the specific location is. While walking, she looks back to the runt and tells him "C'mon, Golden Guard. Stiff upper lip." This earns a chuckle from me, as it's pretty entertaining to push him around rather than him constantly giving us arrogant comments like you usually would.

Of course he can't smile. His face will constantly remain in a blank expression as he's under Kikimora's spell. Soon, we finally make it out of the castle, and walk further to get to our destination to that forest.

Along the way, we entertain ourselves by giving sarcastic comments to that pest while sometimes hitting him in some way. It does take away the boredom.

(Spelling and how is it?)

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