In Your Arms

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"You should be happy, Terra- I –I want you to be happy." Stiles' words reverberate through my mind for a moment, my face frozen in shock. Snapping out of my trance like state my eyes frantically search Stiles', my mouth bobbing up and down, searching for non-existent words.

How does someone- who's never heard that from anyone before- respond to that? How does someone who was told at the age of seven to stop believing in magic and abandon the world that protected her from the truth, finally learn that she has the right to be happy?

Stiles watches my reaction intently, waiting patiently for me to process what he just said. At first when the words left his mouth he froze from shock, as if he didn't except himself to say that, but as quickly as the shock appeared his eyes grew warm as he continued to watch me. But I still didn't know how to respond to that.

That one word, happy, what did it even mean to someone like me? To someone who has waited their whole life to hear someone say that to them. Just to tell them that they wanted something for them. And for it to be happiness of all things.

Stiles, wanted Terra Blake to be happy. He thinks that I deserve to be happy. Still staring at the brunette boy in front of me with my mouth wide open, I was slowly processing his words. Still trying to think of a way to accept his words, to fully appreciate them.

Taking actions into his own hands, Stiles closes the space between us, wrapping his arms around me. Tensing up slightly, I close my eyes into the hug, not wanting him to let go, but still not being able to move or form a coherent sentence. I bury my head into the crook of his neck since I can't seem to control the rest of myself, breathing in his enhanced scent I feel myself begin to relax.

When Stiles releases me, I slowly open my eyes, still inhaling his scent mixed in with the rest of the little haven. Slowly focusing in on his smiling face, a small smile graces my own, not quite matching his expression but conveying my emotions perfectly.

"Thank you."

Stiles nods, before returning his gaze to the small pond in front of us. Following his lead, I stare at the pristine pool of water, focusing on the peaceful way the leaves rest on the surface, creating small ripples around them. Not taking my eyes off of the pool I continue, "I wasn't always like this, I used to be happy- at least what I thought could be defined as happy. It's just- so much has happened- so many people have left me." Turning towards Stiles now I meet his soft gaze, "I've learned to shut myself off from the world, that way it doesn't hurt as much." 

"You don't have to worry about that stuff here, we won't leave you-"

"That's not what I mean. After what happened on the night of the full moon I know you guys wouldn't leave me, but- the system, it's bound to catch up with me sooner or later. Stiles, how long do you think I can continue to pretend I'm dead?"

"Terra?" I look up from the pool after a moment, "There's actually something I've been meaning to ask you about- about the fire."

"How did you-"

"It was one of the first results when I searched your name, but don't worry, Lydia is the only other person who knows. I knew you wouldn't like a lot of people to know about it." I nod, my body relaxing. "Do you know- what caused the fire?"

"Uh- it was actually my host brother who started it, but not for the reason you think. At the time I thought it was just a giant wolf but it turns out that it was actually a werewolf. The werewolf was attacking his parents and he thought he could scare it away but I guess it didn't work. No one survived the fire. I would be dead right now if I didn't go out for a walk before it."

"Do you know who the werewolf could have been?"

"I have no clue." I hesitate, recalling the night, "But it was an alpha."

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