34. Do or Die

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Yoongi's POV

My whole body feels like it didn't belong to me anymore.
I am numbed sore and empty.
The place I was currently laying on isn't looks like any kind of man-made building.

The place I was currently laying on isn't looks like any kind of man-made building

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It looks like a cave but I don't know what it is or where it is locate exactly.

But at least I didn't hear those sounds here, the place helps me to stay more content but still my eyesight driving me crazy.
Every little thing hit on my sight freaking zoomed and bright.

My headache hasn't disappeared completely but now I could concentrate on the things around me than I could before.

Then my mind starts to fill with the memories with ,exactly I didn't know how many days ago,the way Jimin's lifeless body lay beside me, the way his body printed with dark bruises.
I felt like my head it burning when the memories rushed into me.

I should find him, I should make sure my husband is alright.


Where is my Jimin?


I try to get up but that's only I realize, I have been tied up. I couldn't leave the place where I lying down. My head felt dizzy and heavy when I starts remember my mate's memories one by one.


I scream as much as louder I could.
Dry throat didn't make a loud sound as I wish but I shout until I felt a metallic taste spreading all over my throat.

Somebody let me go !!!
Please let me leave for the sake of god.

No one's POV

Min Jung Ho jump from where he was dozing off when he heard his son's hoarse voice.

It's yoongi. After days he has finally woke up.

Worried alpha father took quick steps to the place where his son kept for the last 4 days.
Yes, Yoongi was unconscious for three nights and four days. If they consider today also it's almost five days in total.

Yoongi-ah my dear son !!!

How do you feeling ?

Do you hurt anywhere?

Appa where is Jimin? How is he?
Please untie me I need to see him. He wasn't okay appa.

Please Help me to visit him.

It was such a miserable and heartbreaking sight to see. Yoongi was crying so hard pleading his father to set him free, to visit his mate.

" Son listen your mate is okay but I can't let you leave just now. So please don't tire yourself I promise once she came here I'll let you see him".

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