Chapter 31

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Chaeyoung opens the door and sees Yuri standing alone behind it.

"Oh. Hey. Where's shithead?" Chaeyoung cranes her neck out to check if Ryujin could be around.

Yuri smiles. "I'm alone. Ryujin's downstairs waiting in the car."

"Oh. You wanna come in?"

"No need. I just dropped by to give you this." Yuri hands over a small card. "I'll have a small birthday celebration this Thursday. Hope you can swing by. It's dinnertime."

Chaeyoung glances at the card. "Sure. If it's free food, I won't let it pass."

Yuri chuckles. "Ryujin was right when she said you'd say that."

"Ahh. I miss that bear. What's she been up to lately? I haven't seen her around here for days."

"Well, we've been sleeping over at my parent's place for three days now," Yuri says. "My grandma got discharged yesterday from the hospital. I want to make sure she's getting monitored properly."

"I see. I see. Glad your grandma recovered quickly."

"Yeah. Thanks." Yuri points a thumb towards the elevator area. "So, I'll see you this Thursday, okay?"

"Yup. You take care. Please send my regards to Ryujin."

Yuri gives out a smile and leaves.

Chaeyoung looks at the card again as she closes the door behind her. She flips it and realizes that Yuri handed her the wrong card because a different name was written on the back of it.

"Jisu?" Chaeyoung quirks an eyebrow. "Is this a different Jisu from Ryujin's soulmate?"

She smiles and puts the card down.

Aside from the free food, she's got other reasons now to be excited about that party.


It was indeed a small party, as Yuri initially said.

If Chaeyoung's guess is correct, it's just Yuri's immediate family members and some close friends. If it weren't for Ryujin, she doesn't think she'd get invited.

But what bothers her is this certain woman whom she knows is there only because of Ryujin. She was surprised when Yuri introduced them because she initially thought the woman was a celebrity.

Not that she's complaining. Since Ryujin mentioned the name Jisu before, Chaeyoung has always been curious to meet the woman in person.

But dang. How did Ryujin get so lucky to be married to a gorgeous woman and have a celebrity-looking soulmate at the same time?

Sometimes the spirits play unfair games, don't they?

After the introduction, Chaeyoung was tabled with Jisu, as they are the only ones who don't know anyone from the party. To make sure they won't feel left out, Yuri offered to join them at the table and drags Ryujin along with her.

That's when everything starts to feel awkward.

Judging from the turn of events, Chaeyoung was sure Ryujin and Jisu didn't plan this setup. Chaeyoung certainly feels the awkwardness in the air, to the point she's asking herself if Yuri could feel it as well.

And no matter how delectable the meal is in front of her, Chaeyoung seems to have lost her appetite.

How could she enjoy the food if she knows the woman beside her is silently suffering at the sight of Ryujin and Yuri being lovey-dovey towards each other?

The said couple is looking at the stage, Yuri leaning against her wife, listening to her grandma talk, who's still kicking asses again with her speech.

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