{Chapter 95} The 369 manifestation method 😍😍😍😍

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Ok so I don't know how to start this chapter ehm😰
Oh btw y'all I forgot to share this, maybe around 2 months (or longer) ago Tom (Riddle) wanted to say hello to everyone here👍

That's everything, yeah he's boring I know but he can be interesting (sometimes)
I haven't been able to shift..
I'm upset and feel like shit.
Shifting is fun but please if you plan on coming back to your cr every single time you shift, try to accept this reality too.
I never took the time to fully accept this reality, I just wanted to leave as fast as possible.
And that was honestly very stupid of me.
I miss my dr so fucking much
I feel like I'm not able to be happy here, the people in my dr understand me, I have actual friends in my dr, I'm in a healthy relationship, I have a cat (Achlys), my mother truly loves me there, it's just
Too much for me to handle ig

Just don't get too attached ok (unless you're permanently shifting)

Anyways how are y'all doing?
My life is currently pretty boring, which means that I have all the time to talk with y'all 😍🤩😱

sexy line sexy line sexy line

Okay so let's start talking about the 369 method.
Haha I'm not gonna be serious fuck everything let's GOOOOO 🤩🤩🤩😍😍🤷‍♀️😱😇😍☹️😭🤬🤪💔😂❤️🤢😇😱😇😔😄🙄💔🖕😄😍🤷‍♀️😈🤩😇💔❤️😄☹️🤩❌


I honestly need to search this up too haha brb.


I actually hoped that I would get ravenclaw when I did those quizzes, but nah this bitch got fucking Slytherin

Ok ok Lisa search up the method.
Fuck off
Wtf no
Eh yes?
Eh no?
It wasn't a question.
I don't care
You clearly do
I swear to God
Go search up that fucking method fucking dumbass bitch stupid orange yellow red green ugly annoying plain basic af bitchy bitch

Yeah that's what happens when you don't socialize, anyways let me finally search this shit up because I want to give y'all some fuckingthepeeppeep details


Yes I now know how to explain this hihihoehoepeepeelalanonoyesyeshahahohohehehuhu

Think of some random ass thing you want to manifest

I want to manifest a(n?) unicorn 🦄 t-shirt
The affirmation could be "I have a pretty neon orange (🤢) unicorn t-shirt", although I personally wouldn't go for a neon orange colour......


2. Great now you have a shitty affirmation, and to make your life even more miserable you'll be forced to write this shitty affirmation in the morning 3 times, afternoon 6 times, and before you go to bed 9 times.🤗


3. I'm gonna make your life even worse🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Haha you didn't think that that was possible, hm?
Well you need to do this every day until you've gotten your desired results.
(Ok no this is not necessary but I recommend doing it)😜


Tips/stuff you could use for this method:

1. Visualize/imagine your manifestations becoming reality 🤩
(Or just act like you already have the shit you're trying to manifest, or whatever you're manifesting)

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