A Grand Ball

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Lucian's P

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Lucian's P.O.V.

"Just what are you implying?", Damien says while gritting his teeth.

"They're saying the vampires are going to use me as leverage, keep up would you?", Roses says while shaking her head at Damien.

"That's not all, she may be leverage to the vampires but she could also prove to be of use to us", an alpha spoke, and from the look in his eye I could tell it wasn't anything good.

Another growl left my lips without my consent, I knew that meant my Lycan was taking over more and more. It wouldn't be long before my Lycan fully took over, and killed one of these pompous Alpha's.

Hearing my growl one of the Luna's spoke up," Were not going to actually use her as bait, but the knowledge of her could help draw out some vampires-"

"And if they try to come for her we could destroy them, for once and for all", The Luna's mate finishes.

Unsure of where to go with this line of reasoning I quickly mindlink my brothers,

What should we do? I ask.

Kill the pompous bastards Damien responds.

I want to destroy the vampires as much as the next guy, but definitely not at the extent of our Rosy, Xavier says.

So what do we tell them I ask.

We will consider there ridiculous idea to keep them happy, Damien says.

Which the threat on Rose's life reminds me we need to improve the security for the ball in a few days, Xavier adds in.

We snap back into reality, I'm instantly greeted with Rose's curious face, adorable, and Alpha's and Luna's that seem both curious and angry. Damien clears his voice, gathering the attention of everyone in the room,

"We've decided to take what you've said into account but we'll be making no definite plans, Rose is our mate, and your soon to be Luna Queen. No harm shall befall her as long as we will live. Meeting adjourned everyone get back to your respective packs!", Damien says, ending his short rant with a huff.

The Alpha's and Luna's quickly leave the room leaving me and my brothers alone with Rose,

"Well that was fun, lets not do it again some time?" Rose says trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.     

We chuckle at her comment, more happy to see that our mate has become a lot more comfortable with us, thank you mate bond!

We all head back to the house, we need to finish the final preparations for the ball. All these suspicions about the vampires have got me on high alert and I know I'm not the only one.


Rose's P.O.V.

The ball! How could I possibly forget about it?

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