Gone {Peter Parker}

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Gone...gone....gone....she's gone. How could this happen? She can't be gone. Not like this. Not now.

This isn't fair. It's not right. It doesn't make sense. She fought her whole life, fought evil and guns and knives and manipulation and a simple drive to the store is what took her? A simple car crash? No. No I can't accept it. She's an Avenger. This can't be right. She can't be gone. I loved...love her. She can't be gone. Not yet. We're supposed to live out our lives together. This is wrong, this is wrong. And it hurts.

Come back to me, my love. Come back.

Stop, stop the beeping and sudden buzz of the flatline. I can't stop hearing it. It rings in my head, the moment plays over and over. The doctors rushing in, forcing me away. No no, don't make me go away, I have to be with her, no. She convulsed with each shock trying to save her. They tried and tried. Why didn't she come back? My love, why didn't you come back? Come back! Stop the noises, stop the images, stop it stop it, it haunts me.

The only thing that stopped then was her heart and time. Everything was both too fast and too slow. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. "Call it," they said. No, no, please, don't call it. She can't be gone. It's like I'm frozen in this horrible, horrible hell. Come back and rescue me from this. I'm desperate for it all to stop. I'm desperate for so much.

For her touch, her voice, her smile, her presence, her thoughts, her movement, her. I'm desperate for her. Why'd she leave me? Come back, (Y/n), come back, please. I'm begging, I'm sobbing, please. Come back. I can't live without you. Your existence gives me purpose. Please, come back, (Y/n).

You can't be gone, you can't be gone, you can't be gone.
Come back, come back, come back.

I think of everything we've ever talked about. Pretty blue house with a white picket fence with four kids, two dogs, and a cat. The perfect family she'd always wished for as a kid. And it was perfect to me because she was there. She was my future. My everything. She still is.

It hurts, it hurts too much. I can't handle the sympathetic looks, I can't handle you not being here, I can't handle anything without you. You're the strong one, you're a hero, the best damn fighter I've ever seen, this can't be how it ends. It can't be a car, no. You deserved better then this, you were supposed to have better. (Y/n), come back...come back...


(Y/n)? You came back to me? No...no, it's Aunt May.

"Peter, it's been weeks. Please just talk to me."

I can't, I can't. I can't speak or sleep or eat. I can't, I'm frozen. She's gone. She left me cold and alone.

"Honey, I know it hurts, but you're strong. You'll get through this. She always lives in you, she's never gone."

I'm not strong, not anymore, not without her. I can't get through this, I can't get over this. I will always be...broken...lost...she's gone. I'm not living, how could she be living in me?

"This is isn't the end of the world, Peter! You're in highschool! There will be other girls you love. Please come back to me, Peter."

I'm filled with indescribable rage. I speak, low and angry. "I will never love anyone like I love her. It doesn't matter if I'm in highschool or if we were sixty!" My voice raises as I go on, and I stand in frustration. "It is the end of the world, she was my world! I would have thought you'd understand!" I sit again, sounding hollow and tired. "I can't come back to you, May. Because she will never come back to me. I died with her."

I know she's scared. I know she cares about me. I know she wants me to be okay. But I will never be okay. Never again. I love her too much.

Come back to me, (Y/n), come back.

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