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Co-translator : acid_wash

Don't call me little [อย่า เรียก หนู ว่า ตัว เล็ก] - Chapter 17: The love rain.

Warning: NC content.

Mangkorn's bedroom was shrouded in extreme heat. The kind of heat that couldn't be turned off even when the air conditioning was working well, and the weather was cold since it was raining outside.

The small guy's body writhed in agony. His breathing rate was fast, just like someone tired from strenuous exercise. Namtarn had never felt like this in his life. It may be too early for the petite guy to understand the feeling forming in his mind. It's the need and desire for liberation.

"What are you doing, P'Mangkorn? "
(T/N: Yeah, wtf r u doing, Mangkorn?!)

"Let me help you. Otherwise, you'll suffer."

Although Namtarn tried to stop the other party aiming to release the last defense, his underwear, he couldn't resist the other party's strength with his tiny body and force.

(T/N: kinda disappointed at Mangkorn, here :( Namtarn literally resisted and tried to stop him. Mangkorn could've thought of other ways to help without violating the boy.)

"Oh, why is P'Mangkorn holding my penis?" Namtarn flinched when his sensitive part was held by the older's big palm, but he was surprised that he felt good when Mangkorn touched him.

(T/N: okay, sorry for jumping in, but I have to give a little perspective from myself as the translator, as I feel responsible for sharing this story through my translations: While it's a biological response for a person to “feel good” when being stimulated, this doesn't change the fact that Namtarn didn’t like/disapproves of what Mangkorn's doing to him. There was no consent, and thus this is still considered a violation/harassment. Now, I’m not trying to criminalize Mangkorn, perhaps the author wanted to show how Mangkorn’s feelings made him act without judgment. But what's wrong is still wrong. So, I hope the readers can refrain from romanticizing these kinds of things, and take this as a lesson. Don’t let anyone do this to you without consent, even when he/she is your crush! Make sure to take care of yourselves, okay.)

Mangkorn didn't answer the young man's question. He accidentally gulped when he realized that he had already seen the private part of his Nong that was throbbing in his palm. He was surprised that part of him wasn't a more age-appropriate size. Also, the area where an average grown man would grow some hair was hairless, which made Mangkorn wonder why...

"Huhu." The little man's crying sound made Mangkorn regain consciousness.

The ex-moon tried to push weird thoughts out of his head when the petite guy protested. Then he realized what he was doing.

"I'm sorry." He didn't say anything else before moving the little thing in his hand, up and down at a pace he liked.

"What trick are you doing with my penis, P'Mangkorn?" The small guy said, trying to protect himself from the other party's hands. Feelings were building up in his lower abdomen, and Namtarn felt strange.

"Shh, it's nothing. I'm just going to help you get rid of the suffering."
(T/N: This is just crazy. Imagine being Namtarn, and not knowing anything about how sexual stimulation works, and someone did this to you while saying these words. The author really just turned Mangkorn into a creep ☹)

Mangkorn's words were clipped by Namtarn's thoughts. Even if he wasn't listening to him, he could understand what the other person wanted to communicate. But still, if you're going to help Namtarn, why do you have to touch my penis? Namtarn thought to himself.


The tough hands of the other party were still doing their job very well. After trying to resist for so long, Namtarn now lay still, gasping for air while shaking, until he felt something was about to explode. He tried to reach out and force the other to stop touching him.

"Hey, Namtarn's in pain. I want to pee."

"It's okay. I'll move it harder so your pain goes away."

After saying that, Mangkorn moved his palm faster. His palm quickly grasped the tenderness of the little one's private part. His big thumb repeatedly pressing the soft pink tip so that Namtarn would reach his peak faster.


"Hey. Namtarn is going to pee."

This is your first time Namtarn...

The crystalline water droplets burst from his beautiful body many times forcefully, like raindrops descending from the sky before crashing and plummeting according to gravity. The little man's body moved to the rhythm when he was released entirely, so Mangkorn stopped moving his wrist to let Namtarn rest first.

"Hey, I want to wash my body. I just peed."

The tall figure slowly pulled the younger man who was topless. That part of his Nong's body was stained with his own clear water that Namtarn still thought was urine. But even so, Mangkorn did not resolve the little guy's misunderstanding. Namtarn reminded Mangkorn of his past memories when he was trying to do new things. Like most teenagers, he also has his first time to try and learn about such a thing. During his first time, Mangkorn also thought that he was about to release his urine.

He shook his head back and forth to regain his sanity, then used his unstained hand to gently rub the sweat over his damp hair. Before saying:

"It's not pee. It's the water that's used to drain suffering. I'll go and clean it later when it's all done," Mangkorn explained.

Although Mangkorn didn't tell Namtarn the whole truth, he didn't lie either. It's just that it seemed that the little Nong was still very young. After this, let's say that he will have to gradually help Nong "learn" step by step. (T/N: what?! That would be grooming an underage kid :0 ) And of course, Namkang must not find out about this, as Mangkorn didn't let his Nong get up from the bed yet and wash off because...

"Huh," Namtarn's private part slowly hardens again not long after its first shot. Although Mangkorn never used these kinds of stimulating pills on other people nor experienced its effect directly, he knew that the effect wouldn't end in a single round. And because of that, he gradually moved the little hardened part the same way, hoping that the young man quickly ends his needs and for the drug to lose the effect entirely... Mangkorn's reason might not make any sense for an innocent boy like Namtarn. Yet, it seems that Namtarn can understand the situation quickly. And it seems that what happens today will make Namtarn grow a little bit more.

Once Namtarn finished releasing his needs, the drug's effect disappeared entirely. Mangkorn took Nong's unconscious weak body to the bathroom to clean the bits and evidence of the extreme heat from him. As the tall figure cleaned Namtarn's body, he had the opportunity to take a closer look at Namtarn's body.

Mangkorn only wanted to help his Nong, but when he saw Nong like this, he admitted that he couldn't help but think about it. The white body rested free. Also, the round meat lumps were so soft that he wanted to gently press his mouth and causing something inside Mangkorn to quickly wake up without any help.

'I'm losing myself. What the hell is wrong with you, Mangkorn?' he thought to himself.

He quickly managed to cleanse Nong's body, trying not to look at it despite how much he wanted to. This proves another thing, Mangkorn can really get excited for the petite guy.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, Mangkorn grabbed Namtarn's body and dried him completely before dressing him in the bear print pajamas borrowed from his brother's best friend. The same clothes he had been wearing before the incident.

He has a few things to clear up with his little brother, Music, about the incident. Thinking about that, Mangkorn laid Namtarn on his bed. Not forgetting to cover him with a blanket so Namtarn can sleep soundly before Mangkorn left the room.

"Rest now. I'll make sure to punish him." Even though Mangkorn knows the person was fast asleep and couldn't hear him, he wanted to tell him anyway. It was as if his relationship with Namtarn would begin to go beyond the 'senior-junior' point.

The tall man lowered the air conditioning temperature properly before going directly to the adjacent bedroom, which was his brother's room.

Mangkorn opened the door to Music's bedroom without knocking. I don't have to tell you how angry he is right now. Although Music is his little brother, he's still wrong.

"You have something to tell me, right? Music?" he gave his brother chills in the spine by saying a phrase that shows no emotion.

Mangkorn sat on Music's sofa. He wanted some explanation. So, Music walked to drag another chair to sit next to his brother.

"Uh, how's P'Namtarn doing?"

"How else do you expect a person who took stimulating pills to be, other than lying down in bed?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"I don't want to know if you had the intention or not. But I want to know where you got those pills from? You're only 16 years old, Music. You shouldn't have something like that with you," Mangkorn said in a more serious tone.

Although they are both men, and Mangkorn likes to use bad words, Mangkorn and Music never use bad words to talk to each other. Even in an argument, they use a formal way of speaking.

"A friend gave them to me," replied Music in a frightened tone.

"What kind of friend is that? I think you're old enough to figure it out. Good thing it was Namtarn who ate them and has recovered from it. Think about it. If you use it with other people, what will happen to that person?"

"I'm not going to interfere with your personal matters, but the method you chose was wrong."

"I'm sorry, Phi."

"Music, you are still a student. You can experience love, but you shouldn't force other people. Make it a matter of time," he softened his tone when he saw the person who was being scolded had been trying to bow down awkwardly. He's been with his brother his whole life, so even if they clash with each other, he still loves his brother. Although it would be nice if he could hit him right now.

"You don't have to be afraid. Let him learn slowly." Mangkorn thinks Music is a good kid. So why should he doubt that he would be loved?

"Thanks, I promise not to do it again," Music said. The older brother let out a sigh to lighten up the mood in the room before using his strong palm to rub his brother's head.

"It's good if you can understand that. As for that drug, get rid of it. And don't tell Mom or Dad about this matter. Remember that every action you take can hurt those who love us."

Mangkorn finished speaking before leaving his brother's bedroom. After that, his mother called him, his brother, and the guest, Namtarn, to come down for dinner. Mangkorn had to go down and tell her that he would give Namtarn more time to sleep because the little one was not feeling well.

"Oh, is there anything wrong with Namtarn? Does he have to go to the hospital?"

"It's okay, Mom. I think he's tired because he had to get up early this morning. Let him sleep for a while, and he'll be better."

"Well, that's okay. But, Namtarn said he wasn't feeling well. Wouldn't it be better to not get up?" Mangkorn turned to his mother's voice before discovering that the boy who was supposed to be lying in his bed was now on the house's first floor in his suit.

"Well, Namtarn's illness is getting better." Probably because he just woke up, the small guy was still feeling a bit dumbfounded. In conclusion, Namtarn suffered before, he was sick, but now he feels much better. P'Mangkorn helped him, even if the treatment was strange.

"You should sleep a little longer." Although his face looks better than before, Mangkorn couldn't help but ask with concern.


"Hehe." The little boy scratched his head, and Mangkorn thinks he knows the reason why the little boy came down from the upper floor.

"Did you wake up because you're hungry? And then you heard Mae calling P'Mangkorn to come down to eat, but he didn't call you to join dinner?" Said the lady to tease the little man before turning to tell her eldest son to go upstairs and tell the rest to come down for dinner.

Mangkorn nodded and went back up to tell his brother and father.

The atmosphere in the Phokabutsawat house was very homely. The two adults in the house were very welcoming. They adored Namtarn, making him quickly get used to all the family members in the house. Namtarn likes it very much. Plus, Mangkorn’s mother also makes delicious food.

"If you're not full yet, you can tell me. Mae cooked a lot of rice," said the lady of the house as she placed the rice on Namtarn's plate.

"Yes, thank you," said Namtarn, like a polite child would.

"I made a lot of meatballs that I like to cook, but they all refuse to let me make them," Mangkorn father stayed silent while Mae nags.

It was the first time that Namtarn had been to his mentor's house. Although the size of the house was not as big as his, Namtarn thinks it was incredible that this house is unattended like his house. Namtarn has a multitude of caretakers or security personnel hanging around his home for 24 hours a day.

"My mom likes to take care of the house herself, but we have a housekeeper who will come tomorrow. Or whenever we call her," Mangkorn explained.


"So, what's up, Music? Why are you so calm today? Or is it because Nong Milk won't be coming for dinner?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just sleepy. I had physical education classes today," the youngest son of the house groaned before answering when his mother asked him. Usually, her youngest son would bring his close friend to dinner at her home. But today, that child's mother returned from working abroad. So, after playing at her house until he was satisfied, Nong Milk excused himself to have dinner at his own home and left.

"I'm just joking because you look like you're about to cry."

The dining room table was filled with laughter and fun conversations. Mangkorn family's good humor made the little one secretly misses his brother, who had gone to the countryside in a foreign country. He planned to call P'Namkang once he could go back to Mangkorn's bedroom to tell his Phi that P'Mangkorn had helped him when he was ill. Namtarn will use this method and let P'Namkang try it too. Namtarn will tell him that it worked very well. He felt no pain, so he could avoid having a doctor inject him :)
(T/N: The smiley emoji was taken directly from the translation source; I didn't add it. I think this was meant to be Namtarn's expression as he thought to himself these thoughts.)

After finishing the meal, the house members continue with their own agendas. The parents watched movies in the living room while the youngest son immediately ran to his best friend next door. The eldest son and his special guest went to Mangkorn's bedroom. Namtarn is now trying to connect with his real brother via LINE messenger application on his phone, with Mangkorn sitting next to him. Mangkorn had to make sure the little one didn't accidentally say anything wrong to his brother. He still wants to live after all.

"I bought several bottles of milk tea to give to Namtarn. Here, they cost 25 baht a bottle. Actually, I wanted to buy more, but I'm afraid you can't drink all of them."

"Yay, thank you, P’Namkang. Love you! I want P'Namkang to come back quickly. I want to see you so bad."

"You want to see me, or the milk tea?"


"Well, I heard from Mom that you're sleeping at Mangkorn's house tonight. How did you end up sleeping at his house?" Mangkorn suddenly turned to the little man, who, luckily for Mangkorn, used the speakerphone on his call with his brother.

"Well, it's not because Namtarn was stubborn. Namtarn was a bit sick, but P'Mangkorn helped to cure me, and now I'm recovered..."

"I let your brother take the cold medicine, and then I let him sleep for a while. You don't have to worry about your brother." Mangkorn jumped in.

"Oh, you're here too?" Namkang asked when he heard his close friend's voice interrupting the conversation.

"Yes, P'Mangkorn is here too. Namtarn turned on the speaker so he can talk as well."


"Namtarn, let's go to bed and rest. I'm afraid we won't be able to wake up in time tomorrow." Mangkorn tried to speak loud enough. Mangkorn knows that Namkang, who cares a lot about his brother, can hear this as well. This will definitely make Namkang voluntarily end his call, fearing that his brother will not get enough rest.

"That's right, you should hurry up and go to bed so you can recuperate quickly!" Namkang did as Mangkorn predicted.

"But I want to talk to P'Namkang" The little man still wanted to talk to his older brother.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't be stubborn? Hurry up and go to bed. Besides, I also have to go out for dinner with the professors. Let's continue talking tomorrow."

"Hmm, okay."

"Very good. Good boy. Goodbye."

"Yes, bye."

After hanging up the call, Namtarn returned the cell phone to its original owner. Once he has seen the call being ended, Mangkorn sighs in relief. Mangkorn felt like he couldn't breathe a moment ago because he didn't know if Namtarn would slip and say anything that could be dangerous for him. Mangkorn looked at the younger one and thought, I must tell Namtarn what actually happened.


"What's wrong?" asked the little one in the striped pajamas.

"I need to talk with you."

"What is it about, P'Mangkorn?"

"Well, hmm, about my previous cold remedy method."

"Oh," the little one groaned when he thought of how the older one treated his cold.

"Namtarn really wondered why P'Mangkorn's cold treatment method was strange. Namtarn's illness is usually cured by taking pills, not by playing with his penis."

The big ex-moon raised his hand and hit his skull firmly. Namkang had never told his brother. He doesn't want to tell him how he was born into this world. The child does not know what love is or how a child reaches a mother's womb.

"It's called masturbation."

"It helps you to help yourself." Mangkorn continued. Namtarn listened, but still, he thought Namtarn didn't help himself because P'Mangkorn helped Namtarn do it.

"Well, it's just a way of saying it. It doesn't matter who helps you do it. They call it self-help anyway. It's for when men feel uncomfortable."

"Oh, and women can't do it?"

"Yes, women can't."
(T/N: Mangkorn, are you kidding me? Women can definitely masturbate as well. I'm starting to think every character in this story doesn't have proper sex education *facepalm*)

"So why did P'Namkang never teach Namtarn? When we finished, I felt so much more comfortable, or did he just leave it for you to do it?!" Not good. Namtarn will tell his parents about this for sure. What should I say to make this kid understand? Mangkorn asked himself.

"Because at that time, you were very young. But you're an adult now, so you can do it."

"Seriously? Namtarn has grown into an adult? Really?" The little man seemed so proud when he heard that he was already an adult. As he was saying this, Mangkorn thought at least he didn't lie. Because no one indeed tells this kind of thing to kids.

"Yes. Namtarn has grown into an adult. But promise me not to tell anyone and don't let anyone do it to you," Mangkorn was speechless a moment after he said this. He felt compelled to say what he said.

"Even P'Namkang too?"

"Yeah, even Namkang can't know about this. Because if Namkang knows, he might hit me."

Although he doesn't want to have a secret with his brother. But if it's indeed, as P'Mangkorn said, can cause him to be beaten, then Namtarn would be willing to keep the secret and would not let his brother know anything.

"Okay then, Namtarn promises."

"Alright, then it's time to go to bed, my good boy. When we wake up, I'll give you a reward" upon hearing this, the small person who was proud of being an adult, quickly jumped onto the mattress, not forgetting to cover himself, like a good boy would do.

Mangkorn quietly shook his head, amused at the little man's gesture. Maybe this is another one of Namtarn's charms...Mangkorn feels that Namtarn's innocence is not made up or exaggerated, and probably only Namtarn can make him feel that way.

When Mangkorn took on the role as Namtarn's temporary brother, most of his time was spent taking care of the little one. He didn't mind it because just seeing Namtarn's bright smile every day made him feel good. He almost wished the professors to postpone Namtarn's brother's arrival schedule.

Therefore, it became common for most of their faculty students to see the cute freshman wandering around with the third-year student, more than with his close friends.

A cute picture of the two often appears on their campus's handsome and cute guys' fan page. Most people are very fond of Namtarn, but not everyone supports him. As there are people who love him,  people who hate him also emerge. Even though Mangkorn is not a celebrity, since he used to be the campus Moon, there's no denying that he has some fans who follow and support him. Since the little innocent guy was always seen with Mangkorn, he also caught people's attention.

Since the anti-Namtarn people only move on social networks, Mangkorn initially thought he would not take any action about it. These people slandered Namtarn verbally, and the comments they wrote would go beyond limits. Everyone has the right to love or hate anyone. But those feelings shouldn't make you hurt other people. It should just be a matter of emotions that you have to be responsible for yourself.

"Nong’s here." Mangkorn handed over the cat to Namtarn.

"Nong~" The little man excitedly accepted the furry animal that was making disgusted face.

Silly Persian cat. Mangkorn looked at the cat, who was making a strict face. Even when Namtarn's embracing it, the cat didn’t look cute or lovely at all to Mangkorn’s eyes. He couldn’t understand why everyone’s paying so much attention to this cat.

"Hi, what's your name?" Despite asking the Persian cat, Namtarn actually addressed the question to the cat owner next to him. Mangkorn had just returned from picking up his favorite pet from the pet spa.

"Annabel," or 'the ghost cat' a nickname that Mangkorn secretly calls the cat with when no one's home.

"So your name is Annabel. Nice to meet you." Namtarn leaned in to put his face on the cat's belly as if trying to tickle it. Until the lazy cat tried to use its paws on the human to stop his annoying actions.

"I think it'd be better to play in Nong's room." Once Mangkorn was scolded for calling his cat 'Mom'. Since then, he had to call every pet 'Nong' so he wouldn't forget again.

"Does he also have a room?"

"Yeah, I made it myself, not long ago." It actually was used to store Mangkorn's action figure collection. But Mangkorn decided not to mention this fact.

The ghost cat's bedroom is not very large. But interestingly, it was well carpeted. There are also many children’s play equipments, like slides, or small toys, in it. Needless to say, Mangkorn really made everything for 'his mother'.

"Hey, there's a slide too, Nong Annabelle, let's play," Namtarn said, carrying the furry cat. It moved up and down the plastic slide many times.

The ghost cat still had the same grim face. But Mangkorn took a photo while cutting to focus on the lumpy white creature, and he still gets happy from it.

Mangkorn then realized that the photo he took showed another person's hand holding the cat while playing on the slides. But the photo was already published on his Facebook page.

Mangkorn Morakod: added a new image.
'The ghost cat, with a cute person.'

Pung Pongkool: Who owns the arm?

Fern Fern: Looks like we meant to ask the same question @Pung Pongkool

Pung Pongkool: @Fern Fern, you know about it as well? If so, you're probably referring to the same person. But it seems like the people here probably don't even know, right? Or did you already know?

Fern Fern: @Pung Pongkool I know.

Comment 4: The cat is so cute. I want to see the face of the person who carries it.

Comment 5: @Comment 4 people already know who he is. Stay side by side like this #NamtarnMangkorn

Mangkorn sat down to laugh at the comments from his friends and many more people who commented on the image that he had just uploaded a few minutes earlier. But the thick eyebrows on the ex-moon's face were furrowed into a knot when he saw a comment.

Rotten Sugar: Did your brother not teach you to not recklessly enter other people's houses? Other men are cute, and they won't behave like this.

Mangkorn Morakod: @Rotten Sugar, who did you mean by your comment? Because there is no person in this image. If you mean the person holding the cat, I think you might have misunderstood. He is a very well-behaved Nong. He doesn't even swear. More importantly, Nong came to my house with permission from both my parents and brother. Please make a more creative comment.

Mangkorn couldn't help but reply to the message and didn't care what it looked like for people other than him. That rude comment was definitely directed to the person who's enjoying playing with his favorite pet with a smile on his face.

The tall guy clicked on the comment owner's profile. Except for the profile picture, there was a picture of Namtarn burning from the heat of the fire. Although Mangkorn didn't know who this person was, he can guess that this person was an anti-Namtarn. He even created a fake account to attack him like that.

If Mangkorn could go back in time, he would have chosen not to join the MOON/STAR contest to prevent Namtarn from being attacked. Then Namtarn wouldn't have to face something as bad as this.

Mangkorn looked at the younger boy's bright smile with uneasiness. Although Mangkorn knows that his relationship with Namtarn is only as a close older brother, and that they couldn't develop any relationship any time soon, he wouldn't let anyone take his happiness away...that's for sure...Mangkorn promised himself.

--End of chapter 17.--

Translator's note:
Hi, everyone. This is @acid_wash, who's been translating this story from chapter 8 ‘till now.

First of all, I'd like to apologize for dropping so many T/N in this chapter. Second, I'd like to emphasize that every note in the chapters I translated is solely my opinion. It does not represent @hanaayukii_, the translation page owner, or Gussnk, the original author of this story. So, if you disagree with these notes, it would be on me and not the other two.

I have to say I'm very concerned with the last couple of chapters of this novel. So, I feel the need to write this because I feel like I'm responsible for sharing this story through my translations. And also, to update you guys on some situation regarding the translation for this chapter.

I understand that it's common for authors to write their character as someone who's not always perfect. But I feel like the author made a blunder with the last couple of chapters. As I quick-read the next chapters, I saw that he/she didn't actually mean to write Mangkorn's character to be that way.

Not only because of the part where Mangkorn violated and lied to Namtarn about what he was doing. To think that Mangkorn also uses Namtarn's innocence to cover up for his mistake in front of Namkang really bothered me. Especially since in the previous and the following chapters, he was constantly described as a model student and a good person (and the fact that he is a full-grown adult, while Namtarn is a minor/underage who didn’t even know how his reproductive organ works).

I also felt like Namtarn's physical features and personality were being objectified/sexualized too much, despite the author writing him as an innocent young character. In this chapter, the phrase "Namtarn's cute part" was being used every time to pronounce Namtarn's genitals in their NC scene (which is mostly written from Mangkorn's POV). I don't know the author's real reason, so I decided to use the term 'private part' in my translation instead -- to avoid any misconception about Mangkorn and Namtarn's situation.

Another thing I cannot stress enough is how important sex education is. A lot of Asians (I’m Asian myself, fyi) think it's taboo to discuss this matter, especially among parents and children. In reality, sex education is needed even as early as toddler age. It can start as simple as letting children learn about their body parts, their basic functions (to pee), and how to set boundaries for them. It's important to teach children that their organs are private and tell them about who can and cannot touch their body parts. And as they grow, you can teach them more. Teach them how it also works as a reproductive organ, how to care for its hygiene, health, etc. This way, you can help children take care of their personal health and protect themselves from being harassed.

It was kind of weird that Namkang and the rest of his family deliberately didn't let Namtarn learn about this thing (you can find the reference in the earlier chapters) since they should've known that it would harm Namtarn instead of protecting him. They are, after all, from a well-off family who has access to high education and expert consultation. It has also been mentioned in the earlier chapter that they were over-protective because Namtarn was born prematurely. However, their doctor said that Namtarn grew up to be normal like other kids. The only thing affected by his premature birth is his physical growth. But the way his character was written doesn't come across as just being ‘innocent’, instead, he seems more like a person with challenged emotional intelligence.

Lastly, I went through my translation source and learned that the author intended to change Namtarn's age to 18 since there are NC scenes (but I thought it would contradict his character since Namtarn was said to be a smart kid who gets submitted to college earlier than other kids his age; idk this is so confusing for me as well).

I also cross-checked with the original Thai version novel for this particular chapter (chapter 17), and it turned out that the author had edited a significant part of the story. In the latest version, the author deleted a lot of parts from the NC scene, making it less 'graphic' than it was. The author also edited parts where Mangkorn insisted on 'helping' Namtarn, and cut out entirely parts where he was looking at Namtarn's private part and getting aroused from it.

Since I've already translated this version, and it took me quite an effort to do it, I'll continue with this version anyway. But, if I have more time, and if you guys want to, I'll try submitting the latest/revised version for this chapter (after I've finished with the whole novel).

If you're still reading up to this sentence, I appreciate it a lot. Thanks for reading, and sorry if I said something inappropriate or mistranslated anything. Hope you continue to enjoy this story, wisely ;)

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