Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tanet's hand gently rubbed Pranee's scalp.

She let out a sigh. "It's the only thing we can do without tipping off P'Ritthirong."

The remaining chunks of Pranee's hair fell into the river and she looked at her bald head. She wasn't sure if this looked better than her original hairstyle but she took a deep breath. This was for their escape. When this was all over, she could regrow her hair again. Maybe it'll grow back better and fuller since they cut it off.

"How long do you think will it take Wipa's ex-lover to figure out that Wipa and Chann aren't you two?" Shashi asked. Their staff was balanced on their foot as they threw it into the air and caught it, probably out of boredom.

"What are you talking about? They're right here." Kiet joked which earned him a hit from Shashi's staff.

"Bayu sent back a message earlier by the way. She said that Wipa described Ubol hunting us down over her marriage." Anuman took the slip of paper out from his pants before handing it to Tanet. "Have any idea why she would do that?"

Tanet put the long razor into a bag before receiving the note. "Is it an unwanted marriage?"

"I'm not sure, my prince. It seems like that's the situation."

Pranee pressed her lips together. "Do you think she's being forced to marry P'Ritthirong?"

"Hm..." Tanet thought about it for a few moments. "That's not impossible. But why wouldn't he marry some random noblewoman instead?"

"Can we shut up about the crazy king and get going already? Since we don't know how fast she'll catch up with the other group, we have to escape to Aslo fast." Shashi kicked the staff into the air again and it spun in the air before landing in their bag.

Pranee rubbed her shaved head and winced. "Okay, we just have to get into disguises and we should be good to go."

"How the hell will we get white robes?" Kiet asked.

Anuman cleared his voice. "I could go to a nearby village and buy–"

"No need, I've been studying a few spells and I think I know the one that can work." Shashi straightened their back and readied their stance.

Tanet put an arm in front of Pranee and she blinked.

"Is this safe? Have you ever tried this before?" Tanet questioned Shashi.

"I've been studying magic for seven years at this point and started my mastery only a year ago, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing." Shashi tapped their foot impatiently.

"Um, your highness, if I may, what do you think is going to happen?" Kiet asked him.

"You're going to do magic on my sister." Tanet pointed at finger at them.

"No, I'm going to do it on the robes. If you're so worried we can cast the magic without her in them." Shashi only seemed to get even more irritated by the second. "We don't have time to squabble, we really need to move."

Pranee gently placed a hand on Tanet's shoulder. "P... are you alright?"

He covered his eyes with a hand and sighed. "Yeah, I guess I just need some rest."

Tanet walked away before anyone could get another word in. Anuman followed him after giving Pranee an apologetic look.

Shashi scoffed. "You have to be kidding me, didn't I just say that we had to move?"

"Shashi... We should let him cool down for a bit. We can do the spell in the meantime."

They grumbled to themself as they took off their bag to riffle through it. Pranee watched them with a furrowed brow, still wondering if her brother was okay.

"Have any idea what happened back there?" Kiet's question caught Pranee by surprise.

She gave a small shrug. "He's probably worried about Bayu? I know he has confidence that Chann and Bayu can lead them back to the naga palace with the sword but we did just go into the cave with her so..."

"So, it's probably something else then," he grunted.

She nodded solemnly.

"If this affects the trip to Aslo, then I'll have to visit Shashi's mother to make up for it," Kiet said jokingly.

There was an audible groan from Shashi. "I swear if you try to blow up my mother's house again–"

"That was your doing! I'm not the crazy idiot," Kiet snapped back.

The two began to argue back and forth again and Pranee had an uneasy smile.

Whether she was ready or not, she'd be seeing Shashi's mother and roaming the streets of Aslo for the first time.

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