Say You Won't Let Go (original draft)

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Moments ago warm soft hands held clammy calloused ones, but the other boy did not mind. Together they danced to the music, shaking their arms together and shimmying in place. Smiling and cracking jokes, the alcohol amped up the giddy feeling. Giggles bubbled in their chests and Jacob found himself laughing more than ever before, and for what reason?

He didn't even know.

All he could think of was the boy before him, wanting to stretch a hand out, pull the younger closer, feeling his nose brush against his neck as his breath fanned gently upon bare skin . . .

but he could never.

He knew it was wrong . . .

So he never did.

But here's the thing, liquid confidence is a funny thing.

Jacob felt himself chuckling again at a single absent thought. The raven asked what was so funny and Jacob couldn't even explain, feeling like his chest might explode.

It was painful but nice, so maybe that was a good thing.

The boy Jacob held hands with in that moment simply pouted with a small whine, struggling to find his balance  as Jacob slowly sank to the floor in a laughing fit.

Kevin bent down and grabbed the elder by the face, delicate hands squishing his cheeks and directing Jacob's head towards himself.

Dark brown eyes to the point of pitch black reflected the lights around them, and Jacob swore he could see shining stars scattered within the other's eyes along with a single crescent moon in either eye shining brighter than the stars.

Kevin on the other hand felt himself be pulled into a warm house on an ice crisp winter day. Amber eyes with fire crackling behind took Kevin into a warm hold, wrapping itself like a coat and scarf, mittens snug on his hands.

There was something else.

Kevin couldn't point it out, his brain foggy and body a little tipsy, but he felt a tug. Something within him ached at the sight, soon the fire died down and it almost looked like a forest at night, a forest where people never returned from, a place where people got lost and eventually give up on leaving, being fed up with it all.

Seconds turn into eternity quick if one is focused on something hard enough.

Jacob and Kevin were both fixated on one another, rising subconsciously before Jacob let his hands wander over to Kevin's waist, to which Kevin simply smiled lazily at, letting his own hands clasp behind Jacob's neck.

Getting bolder with each second Jacob let the alcohol do it's thing, pulling Kevin close enough there was no space between them, Kevin now resting his chin on Jacob's shoulder, as did Jacob.

Together they swayed gently, still joking but in hushed whispers, like kids sharing secrets by speaking in a normal voice behind a hand.

"You're the best," Kevin slurred.

Jacob felt heat creep up his neck and flood his cheeks before culling Kevin back, still holding the boy by his waist.

"You want to leave to my place?" Kevin's face lit up at the question as he let himself be dragged by the hand, out into the cool fresh air that made him shiver. The two stood there for a few minutes as Jacob pulled out his phone with a groan, thumbs uncoordinated but eventually they both clambered into an uber.

Kevin grazed his hands against the leather seats as Jacob followed suit. The driver rolling his eyes at the sight, another night of driving drunk college students.

Jacob managed to close the door before he heard the engine roar. It was only a few minutes within the car before Kevin tilted his head, landing on Jacob's shoulder and simply resting there. Jacob stiffened at the touch, his hands itching to fidget.

It was like having a cat on your lap, once it's there you just aren't allowed to move, because who would want to disturb such a gentle beasts slumber?

Jacob felt a smile creep upon his lips, a hand unconsciously brushed at Kevin's hair. Car tail lights beamed red as lamps glowed warm yellows, every light mixing together to create an abstract piece upon Kevin's 


A/n: Hold up, does kev or jake land on the other?

Being honest, I feel like Jacob would be such an old man when drunk and idk why

Kind of like yawning/yelling loudly and giving 0 f's about how he looks, also super tired in that case. I'm sorry but that's what drunk Jacob is in my mind.

Jan 5, 2022: just realized this was a drunk fic and we got tbz drunk video so maybe i should update this . . .

Aug 2022: Yeah, I randomly looked back on my drafts and found the original version of the "say you wont let go" fic

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